
The Gifts Of Imperfections Summary

Decent Essays

Jessica Meeks
OST 286-IT1
Amy S. Bledsoe
November 2nd, 2015
Report on The Gifts of Imperfections: Let go of who you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are
“If we want to fully experience love and belonging, we must believe that we are worthy of love and belonging.” (Brown). Many of the women today only think of themselves as someone’s daughter, someone’s wife, or someone’s mother. Who are we really? Albert Schweitzer once said “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” This is a key to this book and how you can succeed and life. There are some wonderful lessons that I took away from this book that I think applies very well to today’s women and their lives …show more content…

She had invested years as an expert focusing mental and physical effort on the consequences of disgrace. She immediately began to see that a large number of people she had focused her efforts on throughout the years were in one of two basic categories in life: The people who were sad, hopeless, and unfulfilled in their lives, and those who were living happy, healthy, and living with a sense that their lives were complete.
She started to analyze the information she had from her study and found that those who were living wholehearted lives were not always the most successful in life. Those people were not accomplishing more or satisfying more than others. They were simply who they are. They trusted that they were worthy of compliments and love even though they were not always successful and did not have all the things we think of in regards to successful …show more content…

She realized that all women are successful, deserve love, and belong. As ladies, most of us work over time or even two jobs to attempt and be all things to all people. We work, go to school, take care of our homes, and work to be the foundation of our families. We aspire to be amazing moms, loving and faithful wives, and leaders of the workforce. We are taught from a young age that we are not good enough. That we have to be a certain size, and have to put our husbands needs before ours. We have to cook and clean. We have to spend time with our husbands and our families and still make a living and provide for them. We have to do certain things to be a good mom, or follow certain rules to raise good children. We are told that we have to make a certain salary or wear a skirt and heels every day to be successful in the workplace. In the event that we can boldly be helpless and make mistakes, stand up and be who we are at this moment, we can have the most fulfilled life even though we are not all that today’s world says we have to

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