
Sacrifice In Isabel Allende's The House Of The Spirits

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Isabel Allende writes an encompassing novel which tells the story of four generations of a complicated family over a period of seventy years. Throughout the novel, a myriad of emotions are felt as the reader is taken on journeys with the poor through poverty and desperation, with the rich through greed and manipulation, with the man through his desires and pride, with the woman through her sacrifice and sorrow, and with life through unforeseen consequences and fates of characters. The House of the Spirits begins with an introduction to the del Valle family, where Nivea and Severo raise their children in an unnamed country. From the very beginning, the family’s future is foreshadowed through the premonitions of the youngest daughter Clara, …show more content…

The consequences of Trueba’s horrifying behavior as a sexual predator raping young girls, his position as a politician, and a businessman with an incessant need for control over peasants and land of Tres Marias, are shown through generations, as his children suffer for his wrongdoings, and eventually his granddaughter Alba, who endures sexual assault, rape, and torture in an endless cycle of vengeance. Alba’s fate in the novel is a result of her grandfather's actions, she however vows to end the cycle of revenge for the sake her children's future. After suffering in the hands of her grandfather's greatest enemies, Alba writes, “It would be very difficult for me to avenge all those who should be avenged, because my revenge would be just another part of the same inexorable rite” (Allende, 432). Notably, the significant bond between Clara and her granddaughter, Alba, exemplifies the theme of family, as they share the ability to communicate with spirits, their feminist ideals, and unique introverted personalities that amend due to political tensions in their respective generations. The obvious similarities in the challenges both Alba and Clara face in their lifetimes, reveals the predominant themes of femininity, sexuality, and

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