
Sacrifice In The Hunger Games By Susan Collins

Decent Essays

In life people are faced with many hard decisions. Many times in order to choose one, a person must give something else up to do one or the other. This is often seen in adulthood, for example, buying a house, or buying a car. One car my have the interior the family likes, but the other has the most safety features. In Susan Collins’ first book “The Hunger Games” she follows two main character’s sacrifices for each other and the people around them. They are put into multiple situations that make them choose what to sacrifice and what not to sacrifice in their decision making. Their decisions will have outcomes that they might not always expect, and the people around them will bear the consequences of their choices as well. A central theme in Collins’ fiction book is …show more content…

She conveys this description by having her volunteer for her sister in the Hunger Games (a game where teenagers fight to the death). “I reach her just as she is about to mount the steps. “I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!” ( page 32). As stated before this clearly shows her courageous and fearless nature. In the book The Hunger Games is an annual event that teenagers are thrown into a “globe like” simulation and are forced to fight to the death for others’ entertainment. In this quote Katniss knows that if she volunteers that she will most likely die. This ties to the theme by clearly demonstrating a strong example of sacrifice. Katniss has a choice to stay and protect and take care of her mother and faction, or protect her sister. In another quote by Effie Trinket (Katniss’ advisor in the book) she states that she did sacrificed herself for her sister. “..How Katniss sacrifice herself for her sister” (page 64). This is such a strong quote in the book that relates to the theme because it very visibly states the theme in a sentence. What Katniss did for her sister had almost never been done before, and the sacrifice she made affected

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