
Sacrifice In The Third Wish By Joan Aiken

Decent Essays

Epicurus once said, “He who is not satisfied with little is satisfied with nothing.” Mr. Peters, from Joan Aiken’s “The Third Wish”, learns this lesson throughout the story. In the beginning, he earns three wishes and uses one to ask for a wife. However, Mr. Peters soon realizes his wife, Leita, is becoming depressed and she misses her home. After some time, he can't bear to see her so lonely. He decides to use his second wish to turn her back into a swan. Then, he lives the rest of his life with two swan companions. “The Third Wish” by Joan Aiken, shows that sacrifice and satisfaction play a key role in happiness. The theme of satisfaction and sacrifice first appears when Mr. Peters saves the King of the Forest, sacrificing his time, and when he is granted three wishes, and is reminded to be satisfied with what he has. In the story, Mr. Peters found a swan tangled in thorns, and he decided he could not leave it. Though the bird struggled against him, he untangled it. The swan then transformed into a little man in green wearing a crown. The man told Mr. Peters he was the King of the Forest, and said he will …show more content…

Peters is satisfied with his life, and that makes him generally happy. Even though he still had his third wish, he didn't plan on using it. In the story, it says that as Mr. Peters grew old and bent, townspeople began to wonder at his satisfaction. When the townspeople asked if he would take another wife, he When the townspeople asked if he would take another wife, he told them that he’ll stay faithful to Leita. As evidence, the townspeople said, " ‘Mr. Peters, why don't you wish for another wife?’ ‘Not likely,’ he would answer serenely. ‘Two wishes were enough for me, I reckon. I've learned that even if your wishes are granted, they don't always better you. I'll stay faithful to Leita.’ ” This shows Mr. Peters has learned his lesson and is perfectly satisfied with what he had, even though he could wish for something

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