
What Is Macklemore Same Love

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The Underlying Truth: An Analysis On Macklemore’s Music Video “Same Love” Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and beliefs. This has caused an ongoing controversy on gay rights. What people don’t think about is how this relates to past issues within society. As a culture we create this image of what is right and wrong. Those who are the minority or the outcast then tend to hide behind a shadow, afraid to show who they really are, and stand up for what they believe in. In Macklemore’s music video “same love”, he uses significant objects of history and current day to create juxtapositions in civil rights, and religion. These juxtapositions beg the question; why does Macklemore use these strong figures like Martin Luther King, …show more content…

He shows the gay guy going up to his room closing the door crying after his mother had said something to him. Then has the mother coming up and them arguing. This is a very strong verse, nowhere in the bible does it promote discrimination, or hatred, isn’t that a sin as well? People worry to much about the little things like this rather then worrying about the fact that people would rather be dead then live and be hated. During the video the gay guy brings his partner over for dinner, ironically they are saying grace at the table when it plays “that holy water that you soak in has been poisoned.” Revealing that this religious family is now, encountered with a gay son. It gets to this family on a personal level. Most people who are against gay rights don’t realize all these components until it hits them on a personal level, until they find out someone close to them is gay. Macklemore uses these religious lyrics in his song to try and open the eyes of those whom have a religious conflict with same sex marriage. He uses the lyrics “love is patient, love it kind” over and over again. Ironically this comes from a bible verse “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,

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