
Same-Sex Marriage : The Legalization Of Gay Marriage

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It has been clarified that same-sex couples who may only enter into a civil union, has faced to a marriage, they have denied equal access to all the benefits, rights, and privileges provided by federal law to those of married couples, that has adverse effects on the wellbeing of same sex partners. Gay marriage is one of the most controversial issues in the modern world. For the previous thousand years, marriage has been recognized as the social union between a man and a woman. In most cultures across the nation, homosexuality was viewed with disdain, and marriages between same-sex couples were forbidden.
Yet, homosexual relationships are gradually gaining acceptance. Homosexuals have become vocal in fighting for their right to marry in the early 90s.There was an increased in tolerance for homosexuality in the society, the disagreement over the legalization of gay marriage has been doubtful among people in many nations. The majority of the population believes that the legalization of gay marriage will have negative impact on the society; gay activists claim that it is against basic civil rights to prohibit them from marrying.
To begin with, same sex marriage has a big misunderstanding of homosexuality. Several people have misunderstood that sexual orientation is a choice, and homosexual can be reformed to be a heterosexual at any time. A person may be homosexual if they are attracted to people of the same sex as themselves. The words “gay” and “lesbian” may be used to refer

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