
Samir Mouss The Spread Of Pop Culture

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Samir Moussa is born in Washington DC. He was the child of the Lebanese father and Colombian mother. In fact, he grew up in Lebanon and Colombia as well along with Washington DC. Furthermore, he used to visit Colombia and Lebanon time to time so that he is influenced by the local culture of Washington DC, Lebanon, and Colombia side by side. In addition, he also has the opportunities to explore different languages, such as English, Spanish, and French. He also knows the value of diversity. By the way, he got the chance to explore different cultures within his family. However, I think, the main opportunity provided by the globalization for him is that he is born and living in the United States with parents from two different nation and cultures …show more content…

As far as, culture is concerned, we are very close to India and most of the TV channels that I switched from here are Indian. I also know the Hindi language along with Nepali. Basically, India and Nepal have open borders and I have also visited some part of the …show more content…

Moreover, the group formation of globally connected professionals precisely business elites, the spread of pop culture such and movies, TV shows, clothing, fast food, etc, are some. Furthermore, the McDonald's and Starbucks have many restaurant outlets within the world and affected the food habit of the people. Additionally, most of the American TV shows have affected the teenagers who are trying to imitate the US culture and leaving own culture behind. The English language is another which has impacted the culture in terms of language. However, the craze of English language is increasing day by day. Along with this, the different business elite group has been formed for those who worked together mainly the skilled people, fluent in English, etc.

Some of the nations are working hard to protect their own language and decrease the influence of English. Ordinarily, France, China, and Quebec province of Canada are some of the examples. Furthermore, some of the Asian countries are trying to establish their own values instead of the western cultural model and following Singapore. In addition, some of the Islamic countries began to modernize according to their own need without western influence. Saudi Arabia is an example who started "modernization without westernization". These are some of the cultural challenges arisen due to

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