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Satisfactory Essays

I came to know Zachary While as the principal investigator of his research project during the summer of 2017 at my university’s REU funded by the NSF. I was Mr. While’s head faculty mentor, responsible for providing guidance and feedback during weekly meetings as well as helping him remotely continue his summer research during the current fall and upcoming spring semesters. Through these weekly meetings with Zachary, I was able to observe his strong work ethic toward research, effectively collaborating with others and communicating results well. Zachary is a double-major in computer science in mathematics at Youngstown State University, which has provided him with a strong applied and theoretical background for a future in computer vision …show more content…

His deep interest in his summer project motivated him to ask to continue his research for his senior thesis at his home university, and I excitedly accepted the opportunity to continue working with him. I hope to utilize his work in a submission to ECCV 2018. Zachary’s participation in two National Science Foundation REUs during his undergraduate degree also prepared him to do scholarly work in computer vision. Mr. While’s first REU at Siena College during the summer of 2016 involved using machine learning on data for a psychology examination called an Implicit Association Test. He used machine learning algorithms with psychology exam data, which introduced him to multiple machine learning approaches. Zack gave a presentation on this at MAA Mathfest conference 2016, which improved his presentation skills. Zachary’s participation in the REU at my UCF during the summer of 2017 certainly provided a strong background in computer vision, as we start with a week-long course on computer vision and programming. Zack’s project is based on applying deep learning to video object segmentation, which is a big topic in computer vision. The mean intersection over union he achieved was very close to the state of the art at the time, and he was able to fully understand and work with the programming implementation. He worked with a three-dimensional

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