Kaylee Angeline Garcia Mr. Balleweg Theory of Knowledge June 2014 Extended Essay Topic: Alternative Uses for Urine Research Question: With the technology we have today, can urine become more than just a waste product? Approach: An essay that examines the use of modern technology for the transformation of urine to water and fuel. Through several experiments and observations it has been calculated that the average man can live up to about three weeks without food, yet can only live up to three days without water. Why is this so? Water is the most essential substance to humans when it comes to survival, for tt is the substance that keeps our body working properly and efficiently, and it has been purifying the human body ever since man was created, serving as a lubricant. Not only that, but water regulates our body temperature, and maintains our body stable and healthy. Essentially, water is so crucial to our survival that about ninety five percent of our brain eighty two percent of our blood, and even ninety percent of our lungs are made up of water and since the human body is about two thirds water, it has been estimated that nearly 1 x 10^27 or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 water molecules flow through our bodies daily. Thus, it is necessary for the average human to consume a sufficient amount of water. On Earth alone, about seventy five percent of the earth is covered in water, yet a majority of that calculation is known to be saltwater: water we cannot drink or
The human body consists mostly of water, and is a major constituent to the human body and vital organs; of this 90% include blood plasma, lymph, urine, saliva, digestive juices, bile, cerebrospinal fluid and tissue fluid. Water enables substances to be transported throughout the body, red blood cells for example, as wells as supplying the medium required for metabolic reaction to take place (respiration). Without water the progression of these fluids would not be possible. Water is constantly being transported between the fluid compartments of
Everybody wants to be perfect. People want to have control of their lives, yet life does not work that way. In the short story, “Pancakes,” Joan Bauer wrote about, Jill, the main character, controlling her work at a pancake house. One Sunday when Jill was working, a group of tourists arrived at the pancake house. Jill was the only waitress working so she had to balance her “perfect” work as customers come in. Jill tries to do her “perfect” way, but with customers in and out of the restaurant, the stress she has makes her fail at being perfect. The author’s overall argument in "Pancakes" is that it is impossible to be perfect through the use of foreshadowing, simile, and the first-person-point-of-view.
The body needs to maintain equilibrium to function properly in everyday life. The most important substance it must regulate is water; water is everywhere in our body and its balance is essential for proper body function.
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body. Water is ESSENTIAL for the process of homeostasis. Water increases the volume of blood which in result affects blood pressure and the heart rate. Also, if there is a drop in blood volume there is also a drop in the blood pressure. This then triggers us to become thirsty, and drinking water increases the volume again stabalizing the body.
It is also important to know that the body is constantly losing water through perspiration, respiration and urination. Therefore, it is imperative that the body's supply is replenished. Besides basic needs, the more calories that the body burns the more water the body needs. Research suggests that a person needs one tablespoon of water for every calorie burned. Since the average person burns about 2,000 kilocalories a day, eight glasses of water should be consumed daily to maintain a healthy balance.
Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse.
Transition into 3 main points which are: Water helps to produce nourishment and protection to major organs through the removal of waste from the body, and also helps to regulates the body’s temperature. Also, to make sure that we are consuming an efficient amount of water a day, health professionals provide several tips to keep people on track with staying hydrated.
percent of the human body. It is a constituent of all living tissues; almost all
Water is just as important as air, it is a basic need for life, ever since the
Apart from supporting hydration and preventing dehydration, water has a number of essential roles in our body. Here is a detailed overview.
Water a transparent and formless liquid that is one of the most important things that we have on planet Earth. Every living thing needs water to live, so it is considered to be the source of life, by many.
Hydration with water and other water-based liquids is critical for survival and functioning of the body’s organs. Water is 60% of the total human body composition. Water is involved in the
Water is essential for life as we know it on earth. It is used by plants
Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value.
Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe,