
Thesis Statement For Dehydration

Decent Essays

INTRODUCTION Hook Water is one of the most important elements on Earth and also for our body. We need water to work and function properly and well. Without enough supply of water, our body will grind to a halt and collapse. Background information Our body makes up around 70% of water. Needless to say, water has a lot of benefits for our body. A healthy person can drink three gallons of water per day. From our hearts to our kidneys, water all has something to do to the contribution to our body. It helps to refresh our body, push all the toxins out of our body and slow down the dehydration process or maybe, just to cushion our body joints. Wherever water travels, they carry nutrition, minerals with it into our body. Thesis statement This essay …show more content…

Well, according to Dr.Ananya Mandal of the News Medical, “dehydration is a condition that results when the body loses more water than it takes in. This imbalance disrupts the usual levels of salts and sugars present in the blood, which can interfere with the way the body functions”. The main reasons for dehydration are the lost of too much fluid in our body when we work and the second is by disease like diabetes. For an instance, work, diseases and prescription are also the cause for the dehydration. You just need to work a little while and you are already on the way to the dehydration. When you have diabetes, you will have high blood sugar level, urination and fluid loss will lead to it as well. Simple as that, fluid lost inside, diseases, prescription are mainly the cause for the …show more content…

For someone to be stationary, it could be longer for dehydration start. The more you work the quicker it may start. The symptoms are very clear and easy to see. Dizziness, dry, sticky mouth, headache, muscle fatigue and lack of urine are the vital clues that show it had started. Ignore it and left untreated for some time and it could be served. If supplied enough water, you will feel refreshed, active and your mouth won’t feel sticky. A clear example, when I went camping, after just several hours of working to set up tents and others necessities, my mouth felt sticky. I keep it a little longer and I felt dizzy and my mouth was extremely sticky and hard to open my mouth and I knew that dehydration has kicked in. I drank lots of water, my mouth stopped sticky and my bodies gradually regain strength. So, that is how I got dehydrated and how to react to the

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