
Samurai Influence On Japanese Culture

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A samurai is a warriors of Japan. Samurai employed a range of weapons such as bows and arrows, spears and guns, but their main weapon and symbol was the sword. Samurai first appeared in Japan as early as the eighth century c.e., but they truly rose to power in the eleventh century. They alone had the privilege of wearing two swords, they married only among their own class, and they passed their privileges on to their children. Samurai were dressed for speed and travel.

The Bushido held restrictions on the Samurai, prohibiting them to do many things and to live a very honest life. This is not only good for Samurai, but for everyone as it will make each who follows a truer person.

Samurai would begin their training at ages 5-7, they started …show more content…

Each of the religions had a different role, Buddhism dealt with war and death, Shintoism with inherited ambience, and Confucianism dealt with ethics.

Katana and wakizashi are the two weapons they use, katana curve of the sword makes it so when it is Drawn you can slash the person instantly, but with a straight sword you couldn't, so that's why they changed to curved swords, and the wakizashi were used when in indoor areas with low ceilings, because the Samurai Sword would be too long to be used in combat in those areas and would be impossible, so therefore they used the Wakizashi as a secondary weapon just in case.

The samurai were a military class of elite warriors in Japanese history who promoted education and influenced Japanese culture. Samurai lived by "bushido," or "the way of the warrior," meaning they adhered to a code of honor and courageousness. The samurai embraced self-discipline, mindfulness, ethics and intelligence. They were known for their katanas, or samurai swords, which symbolized the brave soul of a

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