It is known that feminism, both as a theory and as a political movement, is manifold and heterogeneous. Different feminist organizations act in different ways and on different fronts, ranging from cultural actions and population awareness on gender inequality, production of theoretical material and media publication, practical action in peripheral communities, participation in political councils and forums, organizations in women association, participation in electoral disputes among many others.
The way of the judicialization of rights is, therefore, one of several paths adopted in the construction of a less unequal society. It is also important to note that the path of judicialization is not exclusively feminist, law has been used as an instrument of emancipation for various socially disadvantaged groups. The article analyzes the potentialities and limits of the judicialization as an instrument to combat gender based inequalities in Brazil, the objective is to present and discuss three Brazilian specific legal events: the creation of Maria da Penha law to prevent domestic violence in 2006; the reformulation of the Criminal Code in 2009, with
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Sandra Herding ANO) and employs common research techniques in human sciences as readings, examination of legal pieces, systematizations and expositions of arguments, however, it is a feminist perspective that guide the use of these techniques (see Eli Barta ANO). The papers´s arguments are developed on both feminist theory and concern for thinking about women's lives. That is, this work is informed by substantive questions raised by the feminist theory, questions explored in the first item of this text, especially by the formulations Wendy Brown and Patricia Williams and Iris Young and Sonia Alvarez, at the same time the work has as purpose is to go Beyond the theoretical questions, exploring the legal text and debating its potentialities and
Mexican laws do not adequately protect women and girls against domestic and sexual violence. Some provisions, including those that make the severity of punishments for some sexual offenses contingent upon the “chastity” of the victim, contradict international standards. There are inequities imposed by law or policy in Mexico, gender inequalities perpetuated by social structures and Mexican cultural expectations limit the capabilities of Mexican women. Also, Mexican women’s voting right is not respected. Therefore, Mexican government to protect women from increasing levels of violence and discrimination and ensure that these crimes are investigated and those responsible brought to justice. Besides, governemt need to stipulated equal rights to wages and to work for men and women, plus certain protections for women workers who were pregnant, and help women to perform their voting
Feminist’s forces support the political aspirations of women. They are interested in the actual participation of women in power structures and in social life in general (and not just formal equality). They examine the phenomenon of masculinity, a change in stereotypes of masculinity, as well as changes in the relations between the sexes. Partnership between women and men in politics is not only possible, but necessary. Politics is too serious and common cause to trust it only to men.
The Merriam-Webster definition of feminism is “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” In the past century, gender roles have been challenged because of feminism. The very idea has completely flipped households, workplaces, and the general community and changed it for the better. A plethora of women’s movements were initiated in the 1960’s, and it gave people a look at how powerful women are when we stand united. Feminism has gained many followers in the past thirty to forty years as more people are becoming aware of conflicts pertaining to discrimination. However, there are many that were hesitant both in the 1960’s and in the present day, but for very different reasons. Nevertheless, persistence seems to be a beacon in women’s rights movements, thanks to very strong and level-headed role models.
Women have historically had a rocky relationship with governmental, cultural, religious, and social rights. The Women’s Rights movement has been in effect since approximately 1792, with the publication of the first feminist work, “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by British writer Mary Wollstonecraft” (“Women’s Rights Movement”). While social changes have occurred and more progressive laws have been put into place throughout the years, there is still not equality between the sexes. Additionally, gender roles in different countries differ greatly. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the major causes and concerns of the Women’s Rights movements throughout the decades, as well as denote the differences between more progressive societies and their less accepting counterparts.
In the beginning of early societies, women’s rights were excluded from the big picture, and through the Women’s suffrage act an initiation of movements by feminist activists was created for a fairer life. Although the beginning of time has vanquished from a condemned society and societies have currently advanced this is the reason why attitudes need to become advanced just as well. Since feminism was a powerfully growing figure in the nineteenth century because of the popularity of the idea there were establishments made containing feminist beliefs such as the National Organization for Women and Women’s Equity Action League. Furthermore, these groups and others devotedly pushed for
Feminism is often used as an umbrella term describing many different strains of similar ideologies and movements. It classifies the Suffragette movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, to Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique, to today’s initiatives for equal pay. Considering what “feminism” has represented throughout many different moments in history, it is easy to understand why feminists often disagree about what the ideology actually represents. What is the nature of sexism? What qualifies as injustice against women? What is the most effective method of bringing about social change? To better understand these questions, some scholars classify feminism into several “waves”, representing the main goals of feminists relative to the time period.
Femicide has been considered the most extreme form of gender violence against women and one of the most important human rights violations in Mexico, especially in ciudad Juarez, where exist a high level of cases related to women who had been killed by men, but today Chile also is one of the countries that is living this reality. In addition to this, It has been considered that in Chile more than 100 women had died as a consequence of this crime, but some years ago little attention was given to the different cases presented in diverse cities; but the government and most of people pay attention to this when the phenomenon has spread throughout the country, positioning it in the most important issue nowadays. For this reason, this research is
At present, women’s issues have occupied a special place in periodicals, literature and art. In spite of the fact that both international and national legislative acts proceed from the principle of equality, in practice women do not enjoy equal rights in public life. There is a noticeable contradiction between the new needs and the lack of conditions in society for their satisfaction: the social consciousness of women increases, they no longer satisfy the stereotype of social roles imposed on them, where the family and motherhood are the only values. The answer to the existing contradictions is found in the women's movements. I'm not an adherent of feminism because I do not think that now women have less rights than men. Several decades ago, there really was a division between men and women, when women were without human rights. In modern society, most women have the right to vote, the right to choose and enjoy the same rights as men; hence the movement itself, in my opinion, is not relevant in the 21st century. On the other hand, there are a couple of religions that consider women unequal with men, and only in this case I support feminism as a movement for women’s rights. So, I do not consider women worse than men and I do not think, that a woman can be used as a thing. “This is particularly clear when cultures openly discriminate against women and attempt to deny them the rights to
The philosophies of Karl Marx have changed political views of women as he implemented what is known as Marxist feminism. Marxist feminism is a branch of feminism focused on investigating and explaining the ways in which women are oppressed through systems of capitalism and private property (Intro to Marxist Feminism). When analyzing the views of Karl Marx one may apply the case of Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers. This specific case takes precedent in the legal system as it seizes to recognize the worth of females in male-based workplaces (Fulenwider, Melissa). In connection to the Catholic Church empowerment of women refers to increasing their social, political, economic and spiritual strength, individually and collectively, as well as to removing the obstacles that penalize women and prevent them from being fully integrated into the various sectors of society (Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women). Concretely, it means addressing discriminatory practices that exclude women from decision-making processes, oftentimes caused or aggravated by discrimination based on a woman’s race, ethnicity, religion or social status. (Promotion of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women). The issue of women’s empowerment within the workplace is one out of many that face society today. Wage and educational gaps between men and women
Feminism in a nutshell solitary word is: equality- a basic human right that has been the basis of every social movement throughout history and history to come. In one way or another, every ethnicity, race, and gender has been oppressed in some form. All of the “-isms” have fought to shed light and bring about change to these “lesser” groups. Feminists are no exception. Feminism has many branches: radical feminism, cultural feminism, liberal feminism, anti-porn feminism, pro-sex feminism, third-wave feminism, womanism, and many more. However to keep this paper readable in a sitting or two, we’ll focus on first and second wave feminism including important figure heads, projects or social events, goals of each group, when they happened, and who opposed or criticized these groups.
After studying the first unit of the class, I learned about different feminisms. I now know about liberal feminists, who “campaigned for equal rights of citizenship and for the end of discrimination,” (); socialist feminists, who “attributed women’s oppression to capitalism and focused on women’s economic exploitation,” (); and radical feminists, who “identified male power or patriarchy as the source of female subordination,” (). These forms of feminism developed new attitudes and goals throughout the different waves of feminism in the past two centuries.
Arising to combat the social disadvantages that women face, the law attempts to mitigate their culpability. However, treating men and women differently for infanticide has led to the pathologising of women. Though gendered justice in the current law has some benefits, it is still tied to traditional ideas of biology predisposing women to kill. It removes their personal autonomy and ignores that these laws exist in a patriarchal society that only favours gender complaint women, and doubly punishes women who do not fit the norm. Thus, legislative changes such as abolishment have been analysed. Yet, shortcomings are still present as abolishment risks a greater rate of convictions due to the difficult law on insanity. If amendment is pursued, what the law is amended to also presents issues, as equal application of the defence to men and women risks entrenching further gender inequalities. Consequently, for gendered justice, there may need to be a judgment call on whether men are included or not, as the reality that women do the most of child-caring in society will need to be recognised. How the law currently sits practically reduces the severity of sentences for some women, yet future reform is
All throughout the centuries, there have been many distinctive differences between men and women between the roles in society and their behaviors. Today, gender roles have been shifted and are making a durable impact on society. However, the issue regarding women’s rights are not just one but many. During this class, we have analyzed many different essays, books,
From 1848 to 1920, the women’s rights movement demonstrated the first true act of feminism, founded by a group of women rights activists to combat against women’s suffrage in the United States. By the 1960’s radical feminists also known as the woman’s liberation movement once again took up the fight for equality amongst men and woman, yet by the late 1990’s early 2000’s it had begun to change, losing its primary focus of fighting for a woman’s right, and becoming a burden on women today. The blowback from feminism has left todays women to suffer the consequences, as they now find themselves struggling more than ever to keep finical stability, keep a family, and get treated with respect.
In this essay there will be a discussion about how rape is a violent crime in the relation to the Feminist Paradigm. Crime can be defined by “an act that violates the law, committed with culpability and without defense or justification” and this leads to punishment (Brown, 2015:1; Esbensen, 2015:1; Geis, 2015:1). The use of crime and rape law will be shown in this essay and this relates to the Feminist Paradigm, Feminist Paradigm refers to the feminist perspective on rape in terms of it involving crime along with the support of women’s social, political and economic rights, this regards to the equality of women. Feminist perspectives have challenged the theories, concepts, methods and assumptions. First, early modernists have argued that from the late sixteenth century rape came to be seen as a sexual crime against an individual woman rather than one against male property where the sexual element was minor. Nonetheless, the most important changes in regard to individuality have also been located in the nineteenth century (Ruberg, 2013:1).