
Sarah Koenig's Serial: The Guilt Of Adnan Syed

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The Guilt of Adnan Syed In Sarah Koenig’s Serial, Adnan Syed has proven to anyone listening that he is guilty of murdering Hae Min Lee by denying any recollection of the day in question, manipulating his audience and Ms. Koenig herself, and by having all evidence point the finger in his direction. Mr. Adnan Syed was just 17 years old in 1999 when he was accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Adnan maintains that he has no memory whatsoever of what happened that day on January 13th, 1999. “I mean, the only thing I can say is, man, it was just a normal day to me.” -Adnan Syed There are no “good” things going for Adnan. All evidence puts the blame, and motive, on him. When someone says they don’t remember something, you can be …show more content…

In Adnan’s case, he manipulates Sarah to feel bad for him. He talks “hard truths” to get Sarah to empathize with him. “Anything that can kind of support what I'm saying to be the truth, that I didn't do this, is great. But from a legal perspective, it's like, I wish she would have came to this realization maybe like a year and a half ago, you know what I mean? Because it's kind of like, it's too late.” (Koenig Alibi) He states these facts even though they can be difficult to swallow. His end goal? Sympathy. It’s hard to think someone is guilty when you are busy feeling sorry for them. In the end, it doesn’t really matter what you choose to think of adnan and his character. It really all comes down to the evidence and the witnesses against Adnan and his lack of a story. It’s really hard to believe someone could ever be innocent when there is blatantly obvious evidence against them. With Adnan there are various witnesses who continually contradict the little information that he can recall. There is also evidence against him that no amount of theories, what if’s, or explanations can dismiss. “I remember the guy wasn’t doing a whole lot of talking, he was just kinda like slumped

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