
Savageness In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Lord of the Flies The boys in Lord of the Flies have savage and immoral becauses. I think it was more of science that made the boys go crazy and savage like. But, environment has something to do with it to. In the book, Lord of the Flies, by William Golden. The main characters in this story were piggy and ralph. The book Lord of the Flies was on an island in the middle of no wear. William Golden wrote about children that were in a plane crash. They crashed on an island that they had know about. Ralph was scrawny and had brown hair. Piggy was fat and had speckes. Ralph and Jack were always fighting about who would be leader. There was a beast that was just a guy in a parachute which was stuck in a tree. The first reason I think that the boys savageness and immoral behaviors based on the brain is because, adolescent kids are particularly sensitive and responsive to the influenced by friends desires and emotions.When the boys first started talking to each other they were always saying there were now grown ups on this island and the kids were ecstatic because, …show more content…

The boys weren't bad at the beginning of the story and as the story went on the boys got worse very rapidly. A major reason why teens often respond to those influence with irrational decisions is the presence of a brain chemical known as Dopamine. The brain releases dopamine when something good happens. Whether it’s receiving a teacher's complient or finding 20 dollars. The strengths of feeling good response helps use with our impulsive responses. The second reason I think that the boys savage and immoral behavior is based on teens brains are in a tug-of-war. What I mean by tug-of-war is that one side is impulsive and the other is logical. These leads to bad decisions. In the heat of the moment teens tend to pick the wrong decisions. I believe that adolescent brain evolved to respond to rewards.

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