
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Analysis

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To begin with,Golding utilizes Jack,a British,head choirmaster boy to portray the inner savagery that's naturally brought out in certain environments. As Jack's life on the Island becomes insufferable, he starts to obsess over the idea of hunting. His obsession becomes extensive as he paints his face:“He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, and slashed a black charcoal across from his right ear to his left jaw. He later began to dance while his laughter turned into a bloodthirsty snarl” (Golding 75). Golding exhibits his ruthlessness coming out by stating “his laughter turned into a bloodthirsty snarl”. When Jack wears the mask,his actions become animal like. His snarl portrays how he's becoming a bloodthirsty animal. As the environment

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