
Save Ended Up After Your Life

Good Essays

Have you ever had something happen in your life where you saw signs of it coming, but did anything you could to help fix things? Then in the end it ended up what you were trying to fix was not something that could be done on your behalf? No matter how hard you tried, you could not seem to hold that which you were working so hard to hold on to, what you were trying to save ended up dissolving quickly right before your eyes. After what you had fought for with every ounce of strength you had, every hope you had, and every fiber of your being desiring to not give up seems to have just shattered right before your eyes, it is near impossible to bounce back quickly from that. For me, I have recently found just how accurate the following saying is…. “You never know what you have until you do not have it anymore.” When you lose something or someone you have tried to fight for through thick or thin, it is almost as though you want to give up completely and not have hope things may end up being rebuilt down the road. At least for me, I worked so hard and gave my all in order to help save something very dear to me and in the end it felt as though it were not worth it. What I realized though is that what I had fought for so long ended up being something I could not keep. As much as it hurts and pains me to not have what I fought for, so much so that I want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world at times, I also know that the hurt is in a great deal related to the fact that who I

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