
Sc300 Unit 4 Assignment Essay example

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Of all the naturally occurring events on Earth, earthquakes are among the most devastating and bring a lot of truth to the statement, “Just because something is natural does not mean it is not dangerous.” Earthquakes are one of the most natural things I can think of that can cause massive damage and loss of human live in many instances, and the effects are sometimes long term. “Nothing happens without a force. Many geophysicists accept the theory that continents move as a result of the forces generated by mantel convection deep within Earth – motions driven by our planet’s internal heat energy” (Trefil & Hazen, 2010). According to National Geographic (1996-2012), constant movement in the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s …show more content…

5. Since the red areas of the seismic activity map USGS Map (2008), indicate areas where earthquakes are most likely and this is seen proven with the world map of earthquakes USGS (2011), I would not be willing to live in the red areas of the USGS map. Earthquakes seem to cause fear and trouble whenever they occur. However not being afraid for myself, it would be difficult for my family, which includes a disabled individual. Living in an area like Indianapolis, where I do not have to worry about earthquakes getting in the way of daily life seems to be a much more desirable choice. 6. If me and my family were forced to relocate to a red area I would use resources such as USGS (2009) to educate me and my family to know what to do in the case of an earthquake occurring in my area. For example, do not stand in a doorway in a modern home, it is better to duck and cover under a sturdy piece of furniture. I would also learn what emergency supplies I would need such as a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, portable radio, canned food, camp stove, and waterproof bags, which would need to already be packed and ready for use. According

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