
Scarlet Ibis Analysis

Decent Essays

The narrator from Scarlet Ibis should be diagnosed with Social Anxiety because he has many character traits pointing towards that disorder. The narrator seems to be anxious about going outside with his younger brother Doodle because he has an abnormal physical disorder. He thinks that if he is seen with a brother who has the disability he does, he will be judged and viewed differently even though it is not his issue. The narrator's actions and thoughts point towards symptoms of Social Anxiety, which will be explained below because he always seems to be nervous about something. The reason we know his thoughts is because the story is told from the narrator’s point of view. Throughout the story, he does many things such as think about killing his brother in the beginning and shuns his brother throughout the story. These actions reflect upon his personality and show the reader just how ignorant the narrator is. Due to these traits of his, and his impulsive/self-conscious being, he should be diagnosed with Social Anxiety. The main sign of Social Anxiety is thinking about all the possible negative outcomes that could happen in a social event and worrying about how they are viewed by others. More symptoms include: “fear of situations in which you may be judged, avoiding situations where you may be the center of attention, spending time after a social situation analyzing your performance and identifying flaws in your interactions, and so on” (Mayo Clinic Staff). All of

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