
Scarlet Letter Home Book Report

Decent Essays

CHAPTER ELEVEN Mysterious Castle The castle smelled like fragrant herbs and ancient stones mixed with the pungent musk of magic. The fire in the hearth on the far wall burned orange. A charmed toad sat on a chair beside the arched doorway repeating, “Intruder alert. Cr-r-roak-k. Intruder alert.” We tiptoed past the toad. Then made our way down a long hallway lit only by candles, and lined with gold-framed portraits of fearsome humpbacked goblins. Finally, we found a small door that was partly ajar. I leaned against it and could hear giggling coming from inside. I flung it open. Emma was standing in the center of the room beside a dining table, with a green goblet in her hand. “It’s about time you two showed up,” she said. “What took you so long? …show more content…

“That’s awesome,” Emma and I said at the same time. “So Cotton,” Raven said, changing the subject, “have you told them about the changes here, in the kingdom?” “I tried, but they haven’t been here very long, and it certainly is a lot to take in.” “Will someone please tell me what went on?” I said. Raven ignored me and stared at Cotton, who seemed relieved to see her and not a monster. “They need to be told,” she sighed. “Please, sit down, children. After you left, Aiden, Sirethiel was a sensational place. Thorn had been banished, all the wicked creatures were transformed, and light filled every nook and cranny. Wouldn’t you agree, Cotton?” “Yes, I would say so,” he said. “For me things were perfect, until—” “Anyway, slowly things changed. Days were not as bright, and the creatures seemed more fearful somehow. It’s hard to describe. You could feel the tension and smell the fear. We all knew something was happening, but we weren’t sure what. So we attempted to go on as if everything was fine. Then, out the blue, darkness fell upon the land and Milton appeared.” “She’s right, it was terrible,” Cotton agreed. “He was as bad as Thorn, if not worse. He had the same evil

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