
School Experience : My First Day In My School

Decent Essays

I transferred into an all girls catholic school junior year, and it was and it was the most awful experiences to date. The only good part about attending the school was that it helped me recognize that I had severe anxiety, other then that there is nothing that I took out of going to school there.
My first day, I will never forget, I was handed a schedule with rooms, a rule book, and told my uniform was already not appropriate. I wasn't able to start class until someone dropped off socks that were the appropriate length, I had to wait in the Deans office until my Aunt ran to the store, and back to the school to drop them off. By the time I was approved to go to classes I had already missed my first two classes. I was sent off to find my next class all alone, the school was huge, with a lot of twists and turns, I remember walking through the crowds of girls passing me by feeling as if the room was spinning, we only had 4 minutes in between classes to get to our lockers, and to the next class.
Finally the bell rang and there was no one left in the halls, but me. I found my class only to be 20 minutes late. I walked in wanting to cry with my face bright red, there were about 25 girls just staring at me. The class was my first ever french class, the teacher turned to me and said “class this is so-and-so she decided to start in the middle of our semester, she will have to catch up quickly” then she said to me “Please recite the Lord’s prayer in french”... I just starred at her

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