
School Resource Officer Effectiveness

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School Resource Officer CLA
While researching School Resource officers or law enforcement officers in schools it has been discovered that the research is on the effectiveness of SRO’s is mixed or limited on keeping schools safe (Justice Policy Institute, 2011). There has also been research that was conducted in the last few years that concluded that the safety of schools can be improved without the help of SRO’s and or Law Enforcement’s approach on discipline (Justice Policy Institute, 2011). While reviewing the research of Dewey Correll at the University of Virginia , he suggested that when using highly structured and defined rules that are created to be strict and fairly enforced, while having the support of adults, SRO’s are not necessary …show more content…

For instance while reading through the article titled “School resource officers and the criminalization of students” written by Mathew T. Theriot, it discusses several examples of the behaviors that students exhibited as well as how they have been criminalized over minor infractions. Reading through the Alaska Dispatch news, which featured letters to the editor about the concerns of SRO’s, they discussed the improvements that have been seen as a result of SRO’s in the local school systems. This article gave the view point of the those who have seen the improvement first hand, such as the reader stating that their child is not faced with mass shootings, or the not faced with horrors of someone coming on campus with a gun with no other intention but to cause harm (Alaska Dispatch News, 2015). The other evidence that was gathered NASRO mission statements as wells as the reasoning for the creation of the SRO programs, it main idea was to maintain safety for kids as well as the school. When trying to come to the correction discussion it was necessary to bring fourth charts and statistics to the understanding for the amount of diversity that could be a result of furthering the funding for SRO’s in the school, this is why using the data provided by U.S Department of Education for Civil Rights became …show more content…

The article is considered creditable considering the evidence that was provided was done through several references. There was also the article that was provided through the Justice Policy Institute titles “Education under Arrest: the Case against Police in Schools”, the article discusses the alternate ways to alter the behaviors of delinquent Juveniles exhibited other than having SRO officers in the school. There were several examples that were prepared to show the reasoning behind the conclusion of why SRO officers do not make improvements but cause further stress among the students causing bad behavior to be at an increase rate. The creditability of this article was questioned but with further investigations it was seen to have accurate

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