
School Shooting Narrative

Decent Essays

On September 23rd 2016, tragedy struck my core when there was a shooting at my local mall, killing five people. With the world already being in shambles, this shooting was just another one on the long list of tragedies for most people, but for me, I was forever changed. Truthfully, my whole life I have been in such a hurry to grow up. When I was a child, I was dying to go to high school, to drive, to be free. Lately, I have been dying to graduate, dying to go to college, and dying to live on my own. After the shooting, I realized that one day I might just be dying, and I refused to be a person that goes through their life without truly living. This shooting changed my view on how life can change in an instant, as I watched a small town community join together in mourning. For me, it was not just the loss of five lives, it was the loss of my sense of safety. The blanket of “small-town living” being ripped away, feeling completely exposed to the wrath of the world. Yet the problem I see is not the tragedy itself, it is what people are doing about it. Whether it be posting hashtags, protesting, or spiraling into depression, it just wasn’t right. But what did I do? At first I was lost, and I kept asking myself: “What can I do?” …show more content…

It was a heavy task that was so impossible, sometimes it even felt absurd. Even so, eight long hours later, my vision came to life. Nervously, I shared it on my own Facebook page, and my creation, my unprotected heart, was out for the public to see, and

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