
School Uniforms Mandatory Research

Decent Essays

The topic of whether or not school uniforms should be allowed has always been highly debated. The reason why it is such a hot topic is because it pertains to a student’s individuality and the possible benefits they may bring. This is something that has sparked a bit of friction in the education world. Hours and hours of research have been poured into this subject in order to find a definitive answer. If the research has proved anything, it is that school uniforms are ineffective and they restrict self-expression. Contrary to popular belief, school uniforms do not provide the benefits that many claim they do. School uniforms simply don’t work in the real world. Now some may feel inclined to disagree that uniforms are ineffective. Those that …show more content…

In fact, the message that school uniforms say to students is conformity. Clothes are a vital way for students to express themselves. In a sense, a student’s personality is represented by the types of clothes that they wear. The article “ School Uniforms Should Not Be Mandatory”, explains how school uniforms “could possibly be civil rights violations” since they force everyone to be in the same outfit (Norwhich Bulletin). This in turn can have negative effects on a student’s morale. It can move them to accept conformity rather than expressing their true personalities. Another thing that the article pointed out is that “every child has a right to a public education unconditioned upon complying with a uniform policy.” (Norwhich Bulletin). No student should have to be forced to wear uniforms in order to receive their …show more content…

They are ineffective and they restrict the freedom of self-expression. They simply do not have enough of an impact to solve the problems they were designed for. Rather than pouring money into school uniforms, schools should focus on finding more efficient ways of handling these issues. By spending money wisely, schools truly can improve safety, academics and maintain the satisfaction of their students. All schools should take the initiative of removing school uniforms and finding solutions that work. Once this is achieved, schools will become better places and everyone will benefit from the

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