
Schreiner's Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Greetings, my name is George Frederick Root. I would like to talk to you about my 2 songs, Battle Cry of Freedom and the song, Tramp Tramp Tramp. I was embarrassed at an earlier time so I signed under the psedonym I created my song Battle Cry of Freedom and had created 500000 to 700000 because they were selling faster than fish at Boston. "From there the song went into the army, and the testimony in regard to its use in the camp and on the march, and even on the field of battle, from soldiers and officers, up to the good President himself, made me thankful that if I could not shoulder a musket in defense of my country I could serve her in this way." But some man named H.L Schreiner took my Union song and turned it into a song for the Confederacy.

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