For one part of the project, I will be making a science board game and playing different board games to help me figure out how to make mine. I will be doing projects at Genspace. I will be working on projects with E.Coli. My task will be to create DNA plasmids that turn the E.Coli from red to blue. I will be creating and extracting them for use in the advanced biology class for next year. I will also work with the lab technician at Genspace to do other projects as well. His name is Will Shindel; he talked with Alan about-about possible projects that will help the scientific community at Genspace. He will be the main person I will be checking in with in terms of setting up my lab projects. Before working at Genspace, I will need to spend time
This project was quite expeditious due to the number of alternate subjects studied within the constraints of school. This made it quite difficult to complete because time limits were evident and tested. This could have had a substantial impact on the project itself, however, it did not because of skill and precision. Working individually could be beneficial in certain circumstances if one is smart, advantages might include independence and personal idea. Although, it was not easy coming up with good ideas and multi-tasking in different areas individually. In addition, working in a class group was helpful due to the amount of
For your new project, please develop a project team (citing names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers).
I would welcome the opportunity to join your team and complete this assignment for you. I work well independently or with a team, I can follow direction or can lead any project. I am your girl for this job!
I worked cooperatively with Dania Ortiz and Kassandra Concepcion to do my Senior Footprint project. I made a google document and shared it with my group members. In addition to this, I assisted with inputting some of my own pictures into the document. We each cooperated with our ideas, such as coming up with advices and the order in which the advice would go. I sent multiple song ideas to Dania Ortiz that we could utilize for the background music of the iMovie. Furthermore, I took initiative and assigned the days that we would work on the project. Once we were all together, we all took turns in arranging the pictures with the advices. I worked on the project approximately for like an hour each time we worked on the project. Additionally, I
This project helps with the environment by disposing of garbage properly. I will take time during my lunch to do a good deed to the planet for a week. I will also be expected to learn more how trash affects the ecosystem. It just so happens, without each of us doing our part damages to the
The deadline for the project is in three weeks. The software to be written for the project requires a lot of mathematical computation. Getting started on the project early was a wise decision. Whenever I stumble onto a part, the professor is there to point me in the right direction. My group members and I have committed to meeting twice a week for three hours so we can be able to finish the project and the report before the actual deadline.
Our school requires students to complete research projects every year. Alex’s projects have revolved around her interest in biomedical engineering, specifically prosthetics. She has continued the same project
“Don’t feed the plants” is a common phrase you will hear around Skid Row, as well as on the VCHS drama stage this fall as the Valley Center Drama Department has begun production on “Little Shop of Horrors”. The musical follows geek Seymour as he pursues the love of his life Audrey , while also trying not to be eaten by a killer plant known as “Audrey 2”. Auditions began early september. Students involved in Megan Upton Tyner Advanced Theater Class , or Mike McCormick's Madrigals Choir received an opportunity to prepare a song piece and audition for any role. “We are always impressed with the work and effort that some students put into their audition pieces.” Tyner said. “Most students really stepped up their game and that was exciting to see.” She continued.
The initiative helps cement student interest in various career paths, but the goal of Lab Day is to inspire students and help them discover new
3. Most everyone should be able to describe some project they have been a part of. Common ones include preparing a high-school yearbook, planning a major
Yesterday I learned that we need to work as a team to do a kids puzzle. Without any teamwork we could have not done that puzzle any quicker than what we had done it. The trick was we could not talk to each other. We had to use hand motions and have eye contact to ask each other for a piece. I felt very determined in our work but I was aware of what others were doing around me. Then I figured out many different ways to do different activities to be a grayhound. Like being healthy and respectful. Also be responsible and helpful. Think before you do any of your actions was a big thing for me group at least that is what we kept saying. We kept going over helping people around us and being aware of decisions others make and their convictions really.
I’m interested in becoming an active member of the Stony Brook iGEM team because it will afford me innumerable opportunities. I’ve wanted to conduct my own research, or become a part of someone else’s team, since I was in middle school. Unfortunately, every time I emailed someone, I was too young to join them. iGEM enables me to conduct the research that I have dreamt of for so long. In one year’s time, I will present, with my team, one of the coolest synthetic biology experiments against teams from around the world. A year in such a team will help me grow academically and socially; I will meet new professors, students, and medical professionals, from Stony Brook and around the world. Moreover, the possibility of conducting my own research
The third piece that I picked out was a virtual child project, which I did in developmental psychology. Where I raised a child online, I had to make decisions on parenting skills for example how to discipline the child if the child misbehaves at school. Understand the different behaviors of the child based on the age and the different stages the child is at in her life. I had to write two different papers. This was a semester long project. I think this project demonstrates my high commitment level and my decision making skills. I hope to show my cognitive thinking abilities as
'Where do you start with a project like this?' Katie wonders. 'Well', she think. 'I may as well
In my microbiology course, professor Brem assigned the class to complete a project based on an unknown organism with a partner of our own choice. We had to perform multiple of tests and create selective/ differential plates in order to identify what our unknown organism was. The unknown project had an impact on my learning, critical learning, and problem-solving skills. I will be discussing each of which in the upcoming paragraphs using my Bio 295 unknown project as a model.