1) The target audience of Carl Djerassi’s “science-in-fiction” book, Cantor’s Dilemma, like many of the sub-genre appears to be younger, perhaps 18-45 years, with everything from a passing curiosity in science to an accomplished scientist looking for casual reading. Plays in general have a more limited audience, generally slightly older and well-educated. When performed plays, if done well, tend to be more entertaining then books and a play such as Oxygen would engage a well-educated audience regardless of their scientific background. Reading a play is a matter of personal preference, some find the dialog and layout confusing and hard to follow while others enjoy the novel experience.
There are, however, many benefits to both forms of media. Both present good methods of sharing information about a confusing field in an informative and engaging way. They also provide the opportunity to explore potentially sensitive issues in a hypothetical, though confronting way. “Science-in-fiction” books additionally have the benefit of accessibility and
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Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, discovered radium and recognized its connection to shrinking tumor cells. The play explores her life in relation to the Nobel prizes, though specifically the first, she received. The trials and tribulations of being a women in science, the effect science has on relationships and her reaction to her husband’s death are all addressed. The science behind the discovery and the Currie’s work is glossed over in an attempt to keep the forward movement of the play and the drama of Marie’s later love tryst with a married former student of Pierre. The politics of the Nobel Prize are not glossed over however and the Nobel committee’s mistreatment of Marie when she received her shared prize is addressed
In Maria’s secondary school, she was the top student yet she could not go to the elite all men University of Warsaw. Despite this difficulty, she continued her studies in Warsaw’s “floating university” which was a set of secret, underground informal classes. Both Curie and her sister Bronya dreamed of going abroad to earn an official degree, but they lacked the money to pay for more schooling. Determined to have a bright future, Curie worked out a deal with her sister. She would work to support Bronya while she was in school and Bronya would return the favor after she completed her schooling. For
Science fiction is inherently predictive. The works created under this genre often delve deeply into important issues, including anything from scientific advancements to the ramifications of societal control. As we break through the caution tape set up by those attempting to warn of us our future, the utopias of yesterday become the dystopias of today. A world full of possibilities becomes distorted by our own desire for power and control. Though fiction turned occasional fact, science fiction has become a precursor to important discussions regarding the advancements of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
I briefly used the academic journal “Works of science fiction do not offer inspiration to scientists and technologists in the real world” by Chris Riley as a secondary source. I used this source to create an argument in my
The main problem lies within the fairly open and murky definitional criteria. There are no set, distinct guidelines as to what science fiction is and what is not; however most definitions seem to revolve around the idea that science is reality, and how that science effects the reality it is in. It is meant to illustrate the relationship between cause and effect representing a society in chaos, disturbed by the scientific matter, which may or may not be based in fact. This longwinded explanation may seem complex but what it is really saying is that science fiction is meant to illustrate the effect of the improbable (within scientific plausibility) against the setting it is in. It studies the resulting events that did not happen, may have happened, or have not happened yet from a rational perspective, mostly interested in the impact on the people involved. Science fiction is a form of fantastic fiction, which exploits the imaginative and profound perspectives of modern science. It differs from the fantasy genre to which it is commonly compared as it is meant to respect the limits of scientific possibility.
Focus Question: To what extent was the Italian Baroque art, specifically Bernini, a support for the Catholic-Counter Reformation compared to The Neoclassical era, not even a century later? A comparison of Bernini’s “The Throne of Saint Peter” and “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa”; and Antonio Canova’s “Amor and Psyche”.
In The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, Paul Zindel depicts a world startled by the precarious nature of life. Consequentially, the play focuses intently on the human struggle for acceptance and self worth, and how each individual conforms and reacts to uncertainties. Tillie, the protagonist in the play, struggles to preserve order in her imprisoned life. Her mother Beatrice, discouraged by her own life, controls and restricts Tillie from achieving her full potential. The perplexing relationship between Tillie and her mother serves to highlight the unfathomable struggle for self efficacy and finding ways to cope amidst the stark instabilities of life. Beatrice serves as an obstacle and an unpredictable force in life which Tillie must overcome in order to find self value. On the other hand, Tillie creates an obstacle for Beatrice, which Beatrice also must tackle to preserve her diminishing pride. The relationship between Tillie and Beatrice not only highlights the struggle to find pride in a fickle world, but it also evaluates how some fail and others prosper based on how one responds to life’s capriciousness.
Barbara Goldsmith sets the stage for a journey through the life of the well-respected Marie Curie with her enshrining in the Panthéon. She justifies her place in the world through science and proves that one can still be successful through misfortune. Madame Curie may be known for her discovery of radium and advances in radioactivity, but Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie reveals a much more complex life of a woman ahead of her time.
Over one hundred years ago, in 1911, a French-polish woman was awarded not her first but second Nobel Peace Prize. This time for discovering a new element. She was awarded, “"in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element." This was and still is a fascinating and remarkable element. Radium has had an intense history of misuse which led to tragic effects on many, but once used properly it has become essential for the treating of certain cancers. Radium has been a controversial element in America’s history but in the end it has proven useful. The focus of this paper will be Radium:
Individual responses of various people attending the same performance of a play differs due to their personal experience, education, and profession. When a playwright watch the trope's performance, he or she sees his message disseminate into the audience. On the other hand, someone from a business background recognize opportunity for profit or expansion. The point is, everyone is entitled to our own unique perspective. Our education's, environment's, and experience's forms the foundation to the basis of our viewpoint.
Langevin’s apartment was broken into and some letters were stolen and given to the press. As the days past more accusatory articles appeared in the papers. Langevin’s mother went to court and tried to get custody of his four children. No matter what Marie and Paul did, the scandal kept escalating. There was a front page headline that said “Madame Curie, can she still remain a professor at the
It is interesting to think about the relationship between the audience and the performance/performer when it comes to watching a play. The borderline of what the audience is supposed to do and not do when watching a performance it depends on the type of the theater that spectator is watching. It is why some theaters establish a fourth wall, in order to show that the borderline between the audience and the performance and it is a borderline that helps to isolate the audience from the performance/performer. However, the idea of a fourth wall does not fulfill every spectator’s expectation of enjoying a performance in the theater. Therefore, there are different types of ways to approach theater. Three Dramatic theorists that reveal different visions in regard to the relationship between the audience and the performance are Emile Zola, Bertolt Brecht and Augusto Boal. In
“Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.” (Jules Verne). The genre of science fiction can be related to science in this way. Jules Verne was one of the most influential people to the genre of science fiction, and has been accredited with many things that deal with the genre.
Children gain dreams for development and scientists are motivated by science fiction. Public accepts scientific techniques more easily and positively resulting in preparation for the next technologies. As these effects, we can know that the science fiction influence a lot of ways. They can slightly affect to children, scientists, or public, but collected effects change our culture and develop for us. Positive idea is planted in our thinking through science fiction, so we expect new technologies and want to use them as in science fiction. Effects of science fiction have been accelerated more and more until nowadays, and we have many creative ideas from science fiction. In the future, we might live as science fictions we draw now due to the efforts of scientists and will actualize by scientist’s efforts. However, we need to free ourselves from a narrow viewpoint for creative thinking. Actually avoiding the limited sight is complicated, but we need to think more creative. To overcome the limited view, we don’t have to obsess about the ideas which come from science fiction and apply to a lot of studies. If we avoid this limited sight, we will live more developed life in the future through impacts of science fiction. Moreover, if we encourage science fiction, science will develop more through effects of science fiction. To make more comfortable society, science fiction is really important
Joanna Russ argues that science fiction is didactic and that it focuses on the collective rather than the individual hero while, Samuel R. Delany argues that science fiction is a distortion of the present. However, they both argue that science fiction must be learned, interpreted, and critiqued differently than other literary texts because it has its own unique conventions.
As the sun started to settling down, you walked into a wonderful museum full of figure sculptures to which the natural spot light shines from the sun hit the wonderful master pieces. Then you walk more deeply inside an exhibition room, suddenly, you notice that you are surrendered by medium size to large sculptures. One sculpture that is space equally to one an another, but they all have no cloth on. As you tend to get closer and closer and the story of the sculptures reveal more details of what is the sculpture tell you like a story telling. Even the details of the bodies tend to give of a more muscle structures. When looking at a stone sign above, you notice that you are in a theme of nude figure sculptures. In the center were the four main sculptures which is in order from finest pick from the museum and three from the class room lecture. They are The Lansdown Athlete, the Roman copy of the Lysippos, and Roman copy after a Greek original by Praxiteles, Hermes and the Infant Dionysos.