
Sea Turtle Eggs: The Rise Of Global Climate Change

Decent Essays

Towards the end of November 2014, New York Times released a staggering statistic regarding the glacial formations of the Glacier National Park, situated in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. What was once a resplendent 150 ice sheets mounted along the Canadian Cordillera just a century ago, had shrunk to a diminutive, possibly, 25 sheets. A staggering 16.6 percent of what had previously existed. Back in 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released that the levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, occupying the earths atmosphere have reached heights that haven't existed in at least 800,000 years. To further the exigence of reform, the IPCC had also stated that this immediate climate change was indeed the result of human behavior. This statistical information confounded me, bringing to mind the degree of revision in lifestyle and deforestation that must be duly addressed as a nation. Sea animals are directly affected as a result of human negligence regarding Global Climate change. Sea turtle eggs face a parlous predicament with the rising sand temperatures, exceeding the optimal 34 degrees Celsius, required for standard incubation. Animals and humans alike are promptly affected by the rise of Global Climate Change.

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