
Security Is Not Only Survival, But Living Without Fear

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Security is not only survival, but living without fear” (Diskaya 2013). These words are essential in understanding that the answer to dissecting security lay in the balance of varying schools of thought. This analysis aims to examine whom security is for, rather whom are we securing, be it the state or the individual. I will argue, going forward that there is no clear-cut answer to this question, for security must exhibit factors of each school of thought in order to adequately ensure annihilation of global insecurity. Analyzing the works of scholars such as Barry Buzan, Ken Booth, and groups such as the Copenhagen School will offer a broader understanding of security and what it truly means to be secure. There are five sectors in which …show more content…

Furthermore, without examining threats to these individuals one cannot adequately examine the root causes of larger scale global insecurities. For scholars like Ken Booth, the sovereign state is not the main provider of security, rather one of the main causes of individual insecurity. Booth states that their own governments rather than foreign armies have killed far more people (Booth 2007). Traditional security policies effectively conceal some of the most fundamental human needs when merely focusing on security in terms of aspirations to achieve national interests, thus failing to protect the individuals that make up the state (Stone 2009). As Booth describes it people and groups can only achieve true security if they do not deprive others of it (Booth 2007). It is not my intention nor do I perceive it the intention of others to eliminate the ideals of traditional security all together, rather it is my aim to reveal this non traditional approach in combination with the all familiar state centric ideology of the realist and neorealist minds. In order to examine how and why individual and human security is essential to adequately attempting a global sense of safety, I have collected a myriad of statistics that assist in illustrating the international need for, as Scott Watson describes, humanitarianism as securitization (Watson 2011). Data collected by

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