Topic: The United Nations is a success.
Thesis Statement:
“Jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war. “— Winston Churchill, and that’s what the United Nations purpose is. The United Nations is an organization created after World War 2 on October 24, 1945. Throughout the years United Nations has grown there are currently with 193 countries involved. They provide security, aid and peace to many countries in the world.
Paragraph 2: argument: security and peace “Humanity will not enjoy security without development, it will not enjoy development without security and it will not enjoy either without respect for human rights.” - UN World Summit, Outcome Document 2005. There have been many conflicts in the world that have affected
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The treaty was signed in 1968 right after the cold war. it was signed by the United Kingdom, the United States, The Soviet Union and 59 other states. It was created to prevent any devastation that we would be visited on, and to prevent any threat of war. They agreed to destroy their current stockpile of nuclear weapons. The IAEA, also known the United Nation’s watchdog, this company inspects facilities to make sure they aren't abusing their use of nuclear energy. As for the Nuclear Weapon States, India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan, they have claimed they will use nuclear weapons if they feel threatened or if they are attacked on with nuclear …show more content…
Sierra Leone, Burundi are some of the countries that United Nations has protected from genocide. In Sierra Leone United Nations had created a force to help create a peace agreement after the country’s devastating civil war. With Burundi the country was suffering from an ethnic war. Both these countries had been assisted by United Nations from their civil war.
Paragraph 3:
Main argument: United Nations is responsible for many disaster relief.
proof 1 : proof 2: Helping Disaster Victims: When a Disaster occurs, Red Cross, and other major aid organizations provide basic humanitarian needs: such as food, shelter, non food items like clothing and water. Countries that have recently received humanitarian aid are Syria, Ukraine, Zimbabwe etc. The United Nations basically calls out for funding and countries donate to them so they provide aid to countries in desperate need. June 15 2015, United Nations had called for one billion dollars in funding in order to lift Yemen from a devastating crisis that has plunged the country into severe food insecurity
proof 3:
Paragraph 4
Main argument: The organization had responded to underdeveloped countries with poor healthcare systems. The WHO, World Health Organization. has been improving affordable health
The United Nations is an organization established 24 October 1945. It was a replacement for the League of Nations. The UN was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. The organization is financed by giving its member states a substantial fee. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
DESCRIPTION: The United Nations is an international organization established to promote intercontinental support. Therefore, the main role of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to promote respect for human rights and to coordinate aid in disaster situations and to provide help on global issues such as drug trafficking and the environment.
The United Nations is a vessel to keep the peace, they work to prevent conflicts, step in and help parties in conflict to make peace; peacekeeping; and creating the conditions to allow peace. The UN security council has the primary responsibility for the aforementioned. They are the division of the UN that is responsible for maintaining international peace and security. There are fifteen members and each member has one vote, and under the charter, all Member States are obligated to comply with the council’s decisions (The United Nations, n.d.). The United Nations along with the security council was formed in 1945, leaders of 50 nations met in San Francisco with representatives of non-government organizations. It took place at the end of the second world war to prevent that type of widespread destruction, they formed the United Nations.
The United Nations was created with specific goals in mind and the interests of more countries involved. In the creation of the United Nations, there was much more cooperation internationally along with the full support of the United States as globalism had worked in favor of the U.S. economy after the WWII, pulling the country out of the Great Depression. Schlesinger states; "Roosevelt had learned from Wilson's errors. He had dispatched influential Republicans to San Francisco as members of the U.S. Delegation; his embrace of the great power veto stood as a firm wall protecting U.S. national sovereignty" (263). These actions are what secured the role of the United States in the ratification of the United Nations and therefore secured the balance
The United Nations was to be a place where there was peace between the countries, a place where they can dispute their differences, a place to support each other and benefit from the allies a country made by being in the United Nations. It was “designed to make possible lasting freedom and independence for all its members” (Document B). Not long after it was founded, it started falling apart. People had different idea of how it should have been ran but the people who got their way was the bigger and stronger countries. They came to an agreement that the bigger countries—the United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and China—would have veto power and the other countries that were a part of it would take smaller roles in the decisions
Discuss some of the main events of World War II. How do these experiences rekindle the idea of establishing a world organization dedicated to world peace and international cooperation.
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that promotes international cooperation. The United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945. The United Nations replaced the League of Nations, which had been created by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. The name “‘United Nations”, coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt was first used in the Declaration by United Nations of January 1942, during the second world war, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the axis powers” (History of the United Nations | United Nations). The Allied Powers agreed that a new organization was needed that would replace the League of Nations. American President Roosevelt,
While war was being waged, peace was being structured with the President personally directing the architecture of plans for the postwar world. (Heuvel). During World War 2 Roosevelt was pushing for the United Nations to be created to try and keep the world stable after the war. today the united nations is a huge part of politicas and help keep the world safe and a peace. After the collapse of the league of nations the world needed a unifying force to stop another major conflict like World War 2 from happening again. Roosevelt pushed and pushed for the creation of the United Nations. Finally on October 24, 1945 the United Nations was founded. Even though Roosevelt was not around to see the united nations come into existence he still played a huge part in its creation. originally the united nations had 51 participating nations in it. today the united nations has almost four times that number with a massive one hundred and ninety three participating nations making it the most powerful entity in history. the united nations has helped prevent wars from breaking out in various parts in the world and when incidents to arise the un is able to act in the manner it sees best fit to end the conflict before it escalates into a huge uncontrollable conflict. The United Nations played a necessary role in the reconstruction of europe after World War 2. as huge nations
1945 the UN was born. Out of need for a common alliance to combat the axis powers germany japan and italy. Built on the ideals and traditions of the older league of nations the united nations was seen as an effective way of convening all the minds in the world to put their say in with the rest. An effective way of teaming up against some of the most powerful countries at the time, it's always a good idea to have some friends when you get into a war. Its was drafted by the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. In 1942 26 governments signed the declaration. The declaration states that:
Hello, everyone. I am William Andel, representing the United States of America on a important matter. Many people feel the need for a change. This is not just a simple change,either; it is an international change. Everywhere in the world, people are ravaged by war and suffering. Everyone would like to snuff that out, I’m sure, but the UN is at the forefront of this change. Why have we ignored the countries that have reached out to help?
UN: United Nations. The UN is meant to have four purposes, to maintain peace and security among the world, make friendships with nations, solve international problems, and to promote human rights with respect.
One can assume a group of people who are less diplomatic will not be willing to do the same, which is why the idea of deterrence, being the main thread to containment of nuclear warheads, may not work as long as more groups continue to not understand the situation. The treaty relies heavily on trust, which will be an issue if things get out of hand. Furthermore, this preamble implies that every nation's integrity is intact and the signers are law abiding. This is not the case and would consequently lead to distrust among its members. This treaty only guarantees the use of nuclear technology, but does not mention the limits on whether one can enrich Uranium, which is a massive problem because it can create a nuclear weapon. However, any nation doing this is still following the rules as long as the energy created is for "peaceful purposes". The problem with this is it requires that every nation trusts one another and that no one will not create a stockpile of arsenals that could threaten any nation. There is no strong drive to completely disarm any of the nations who already possess nuclear weapons. This main thread, this column that supports the treaty is constantly being threatened by allowing its members to continue to violate its terms. As a whole, the agreement is not being taken seriously. Although that could very much be the case, how can it be obligated for nations to fully agree with the
This is their way of going a step further into defending those people who are victims of human rights violations. As James Orbinski gave the acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, he reiterated the fact that “more than offering material assistance, [they] aim to enable individuals to regain their rights and dignity as human beings” (Médecins Sans Frontières - Nobel Lecture). In 1994, the country of Rwanda encountered a genocide, in which “a parallel political structure, in combination with the official government, was involved in massacres of the civilian population” (The Trouble With Humanitarianism, 457). The United Nations, who could have intervened or prevented the genocide, never took any warnings or information seriously since the United States had no national interest in this conflict. Millions of people, including hundreds of the national staff of Doctors Without Borders, did not survive the genocide and the ones who survived had been viciously attacked. Doctors Without Borders are there to assist people in need even when major powers (such as the UN), which claim to supposedly be in favor of human rights, do nothing to help. The organization continues to grow greatly over the years and now has more than two thousand personnel treating people in need in eighty different countries (Doctors Without Borders Awarded 1999
The world has advanced over the centuries. To ensure progression and growth, society must embrace organizations which support improving the quality of human life. The United Nations is one such organization that has ensured the well-being of the human race by collaborating internationally on how to tactically approach conflicts. From combating terrorism to eradicating smallpox, the United Nations has resolved numerous foreign issues and international crises. The creation of the United Nations continues to be critical because the organization is a fundamental necessity for global peace, good relations, and development.
“ Here is a task truly of, by and for the world, one that should rally nations. The nature of this task however, must be clearly understood; only then can suitable means for accomplishing it be formulated, only then can the role that the United Nations could and should play be appreciated” ( Wilcox/Haviland, 29). There are many international organizations that have been talked about throughout this semester. One of the most important ones is The United Nations. The United Nations was established October 24, 1945, and has since then been impacting the country. The United Nations main purpose according to the lecture notes is “ to provide a global additional structure through which states can sometimes settle conflicts with less reliance on the use of force , for whole purpose of the United Nations is to provide the globe a forum by which countries may settle disputes through this forum peacefully as opposed to relying on a force which has been the case historically” ( Kopalyan, Module 8). Thus meaning The United Nations was set up to handle problems peacefully rather than going to war to try and solve problems. “Powerful economic as well as political forces are at work to bring about a growing integration of the world community, and the United Nations and its related agencies are uniquely fitted to assist in the task” (Wilcox/Haviland,45). This was some of the reason that the United Nations was created.