
Security Research Paper

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Application: Incorporating Security Into IT Processes
Walden University
Information Assurance and Risk Management
Dr. Habib Khan
October 15, 2017 Abstract
Implementing a security badge IT system within an existing IT infrastructure is a challenge. The following paper will go over the steps needed to implement security system as it pertains to access control. Application: Incorporating Security Into IT Processes
Having a security access control in place within an IT company will play a vital role in knowing who is where within the entire organization. Therefore, it is necessary to define the credentials required within the organization and to implement them consistently and diligently throughout the …show more content…

During this stage, the budget department will also be involved in the entire process ensuring that the project stays within budget. (Brotby, 2009)
The next step will focus on the creation of security awareness for the entire company through a computer based training or CBT to let the members be fully aware of the objectives coming up with the ID cards for purposes of access control as well as overall security for the company. Security awareness training will be implemented to inform the suppliers, contractors and all the workers in the company the importance of what is being implemented. Everyone will know about the company’s expectations, as well as the details to follow so that everyone will become incorporated into the IT security system. This step will include informing them of the information security risks that are associated with their activities. An example of this would be leaving their ID card unattended. The employees are not allowed to leave their CAC unattended at any time. The responsibilities that are required of all employees will be included in the training so that everyone will comply with the organization procedures and practices designed to reduce the risks within the company. (Brotby, 2009)
The next stage will be including the testing and evaluation period. This step will ensure that the testing

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