
Segregation Of The United States

Decent Essays

As an inhabitant of planet earth, I have watched the people grow and prosper and then fall back to old habits. Years ago, we were separated by race and even though we claim that time is over, it is not. Our country is a great example of segregation because we not only segregate by race, but by gender and sexual orientation as well. America was founded on preconceived expectations of gender and race leading to a segregation of consciousness that structures opinions around the injustices of stereotypes. For years, our country prided itself on being called the melting pot of culture and diversity; when in all honesty, we are not what we claimed to be. The citizens of the United States judge everyone based on differences that are not …show more content…

The proprietor excused herself and returned with an enormous red Doberman pincher straining at the end of a leash” (Staples 2). This action only proved that people believe the supposition that all black males are dangerous because of the fear that she had.For so long we have chosen to discriminate against things that we may not be able to relate to or understand. Unfortunately, out of all the anger and misunderstanding has come fatal injuries by a large amount of white people who are making sure the law is abided by. The case that involved George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida is an excellent example of how afraid we have become of a human being who makes up the same anatomical body that we do. Zimmerman even says that he was afraid, “I was truly afraid because he kept slamming my head on the ground and he punched me in the face knocking me to the ground” (Zimmerman 2015). This statement was later proven to not be true but a teen had to die because Zimmerman had the fear that we see daily. With this fear has come more deaths of black people and it has also allowed for white supremacy to become more of a challenge that faces the U.S every day, but what we forget is that it is not just race that we judge; it is also by gender and sexual orientation. These topics have formed stereotype that have destroyed society’s outlook on each other. Now, we are at the point where our gender or who we like has become a large enough topic that we judge

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