
Self Esteem, Along With Self Identity Essay

Decent Essays

According to Janet Gonzalez-Mena (1998.)”Self-esteem, along with self-identity, comes from early experiences and continues up through school years into adolescence and adult hood. Children define themselves partly by looking at the images that they see reflected in the people around them.”(Pg. 247)
While outside of the close environment of my family I became nervous and concerned about what people thought about me. This was the beginning of recreating my self-esteem in a new environment. I think that self-esteem starts all over when you are put in a new community environments or family. Although it gets easier as you get older because you will already have the practice and understanding of your self. I was very sensitive at first coming out of my close family connections. The people I started to make a strong connection to were my teachers and teacher assistants. I think that this was because they supported me in my learning and the community of my classroom. Providing young children in a new environment it is important to encourage a healthy self-esteem. I think people need different types of support and encouragement. Most young children have different education support that might make some type of impact on their self-esteem. Some examples that can challenge children’s self-esteem are language barriers, disabilities, economic status, and the type of learners they are. I think by the time I got to grade school I establish the type of way I in took information. All of my

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