
Self Reflection

Good Essays

The past few months at Northside Elementary have been full of memories. When starting the fieldwork process I was not sure how one hour a week with a group of ten to fifteen students was going to be able to provide me with multiple experiences on the community partnership level. However, I quickly learned that every student has a story to tell and a lesson to offer. I spent the majority of my time with a ten-year-old boy by the name of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was initially very shy and not receptive to learning from a girl, thankfully that quickly changed and on Monday’s around 3:30 I could see him inside the waiting at the cafeteria windows for me to arrive to school. On the outside a child might seemingly have everything they could possible want with their new shoes or their new iPhone but Jeremiah taught me that the outside appearance is not always what it seems and dynamically at home there could be some family issues or at school there could be delays in academic success making the student feel helpless and worthless. Over the past several weeks, I tried to recognized and practice this philosophy as a volunteer, and even share with some teachers, that as a teacher you can never fully understand what a student in your classroom is going through when they walk through your doorway that day, so it is essential to be patient, kind and choose your actions along with the words spoken carefully. Jeremiah and I spent the majority of the semester together writing in his weekly

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