
Self Reflection Paper

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I was a quiet child growing up; not necessarily shy, but introverted. Now, I consider myself an extroverted introvert. Growing up, I probably didn’t come across as a leader. My kindergarten teacher wrote in my assessment that I was shy; I didn’t speak up enough for myself when I was bullied throughout my elementary school years, and I probably stood in the shadows more than I realized throughout middle school. I could have been more decisive during high school.
A person doesn’t become a leader overnight; I didn’t. I began speaking up more because I was done with my silence. I stepped out because creating change doesn’t come from being passive. I made decisions because nothing gets done by being in limbo.
It was a ripple effect. Perhaps it …show more content…

Our planet and our complete and utter dependence on it inspired me—whether I realized it or not—to become a leader. It is also my desire to pursue a career as a scientist and policymaker that inspired me to become a leader. My enthusiasm and determination for a greener, healthier planet inspires, I hope, others to do the same.
When I came to college, it took me a little while to find my niche. I didn’t remain complacent, however. I put myself into various leadership roles, whether it was inviting physicians via email to the Fall Pre-Med AMSA dinner or being the student recruitment chair for the Colleges Against Cancer student group. I met a lot of great people and built relationships along the way, but I knew that something was missing. In the spring of my freshman year, I decided to be the Boy Scouts STEM Merit Badge head counselor when I was in the Energy Club on campus. I organized a team of individuals in making a presentation and planning activities on renewable and nonrenewable energy for the Boy Scouts STEM event back in April 2016. It was fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed engaging the boy scouts in learning about energy, and I hope that it made an impression on them to pursue green STEM careers when they grow up. Even though it had been a one-day event, the preparation beforehand and the event itself was bringing me back to my roots.
In my sophomore year of college, I knew I had to make a change. I no longer considered myself a pre-med

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