
Serena Williams Advertising

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In order to sell something, you need to have a good reputation or at least a good reputation with your consumers. Credibility or ethos is how to rapport amongst consumers and distributors. In order to market a product, the reputation of this distributor must have this trait. Athletes are commonly used in this type of marketing. Mentioned below are athletes John Cena and Serena Williams both fit the description. Along with what they would be appropriate to sell, what they wouldn't be good at selling will be explained and why.
First off is John Cena, a WWE wrestler who has a very notorious saying of “You can’t see me”, from this saying and the fact that he is a physical athlete, an amazing product for him to promote would be Axe gel deodorant. He would have a slogan that would cover and discuss how strong men use Axe and how it won't show on your clothes. another product that he has been successful in marketing in the past is action figures and toys. Namely boy toys because of the fact that boys who enjoy to watch WWE on tv van imagine theres using him to fight. Now an unfit advertisement for John Cena would be anything within a woman's clothing line. This would be unfit because he doesn’t have any feminine features and doesn’t wear feminine clothes. The last brand Cena wouldn't be …show more content…

The world renowned tennis player would be an optimal advertiser for anything tennis related. She would also exceed in promoting any sports brand e.g. Nike and Adidas. Now on the contrary Serna wouldn't make a lot of sales in the basketball industry or any other sports industry for that fact. The reason she wouldn't be good at selling any other sports item other than tennis is because she's a tennis player, not a soccer player or anything else. The reason she would be good at promoting sports brands and tennis related merchandise is because she has the credibility of being an athlete and tennis

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