
Serenity: A Narrative Fiction

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Author's Note: This chapter is a direct hit on bullying and verbally abusing people and celebrities. Please think before you type. I raced across the club, I could feel the sweat trapped inside my fist, my phone bored into the palm of my hand. My eyes searched frantically, my feet carried me in too many directions. I ran up to the bar, "Restroom?" I panted. The burly man pointed to a small door, dimmed in the shadows. I threw open the door with a clash. "Amber," Serenity sniffled on the dirtied tile. She didn't seem to care about the mysterious liquids that dirtied her dress. I'd never seen her sit like that, so deflated and worn down. A real frown was printed on her face, a look she'd never sported to me before. Her shoulders shook loosely, …show more content…

"Yeah, be honest." Ross stroked my chin. Serenity and I exchanged a glance. Should we tell them about the fans? Without a single word spoken, we knew we couldn't. It was going to be our own struggle to deal with together. "Amazing," I kissed him on the cheek. "Oh my god, you looked so sexy up there. I need to get you home right now." Serenity adjusted Rocky's hair then curled her fingers into his. "You should have seen your self your guitar was like der ner nerr nerrrr and the crowd was like whoooo..." Her voice got farther away as they walked. "Now really, how was I?" He wiped sweat from his forehead and stepped into my gaze. His obsidian eyes were lock and key to my heart. The dark ring around his iris let the earthy and gold rays of his eyes stand out under the purple light. If I simply stated that they were brown would be like saying a sunset was one color. Surrounding myself in their aura, I could sip my morning coffee here and doodle extravagant black etches lines with the sunrise's golden rays touching his growing saplings. The shades mingled through cascading colors and you'd fall in and be lost in all of its eternity. God how I loved those eyes and the one who wore them. Wait

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