
Serial Killer Research Paper

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Ever speculated what causes the compulsion in humans to gruesomely kill? An extensive amount of people lack the awareness of the various categorizations of serial killers. These disparate types of serial killers can be differentiated on the basis of their motives but the majority of them share a similar past. The occurrences of the past immensely impact the actions and demeanor of the future. Each occurrence can conceivably influence the future of an individual. There are four predominant classifications of serial killers based upon the inclusive motive of the individual. Thrill seekers acquire immense satisfaction from the course of murder while instilling extreme pain or terror within their victims. Those who believe they do society a …show more content…

They believe they are not themselves or feel compelled to murder by spiritual souls such as God or the devil. Visionary killers are typically easy to locate, due to the fact that they are unorganized murderers who leave behind a chaotic crime scene with an abundance of physical evidence. Also, such killers suffer from a mental illness which is commonly schizophrenia, the voices within the offender's mind encourage them to viciously massacre within their own insanity. In correlation, visionary serial killers select their victims seemingly at random based acumen, since the act of killing is their instantaneous goal they choose the nearest individual. David Berkowitz is another famous serial killer, also referred to as the .44 caliber killer, he shot thirteen people who were not connected in any shape or form during 1976 and 1977. Berkowitz believed that a dog owned by his neighbor was a demon in disguise sending him murderous messages in its persistent barking. Afore his arrest, he sent the police and press handwritten letters asserting that Satan was ordering him to kill in order to rid of his sins. After a questionnaire session with an FBI agent, David revealed the reasoning behind his killings and mental issues were due to the fact that he felt resentment toward his mother and other women who had rejected him during his childhood. Although Joseph Paul Franklin and David Berkowitz were both troubled serial killers who had terrible mothers, their motives for their killings differed. Visionary serial killers murder due to the perception of imaginary voices within their head, but they do not desire anything from their victims. Whereas the Lust serial killers only murder to satisfy their sexual

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