
Sethe's Identity In Beloved

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“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.” Toni Morrison, Beloved. Toni Morrison is the author of the book titled Beloved. The novel’s main character is an African-American woman who has just escaped slavery to keep her family together, but most of all safe from the white men and their cruelty at the plantation. The novel takes place during the American Civil War Era. During this Era, slaves fled to the North in search of freedom and hope of a new life. Throughout the novel, Toni Morrison uses the character of Sethe to send out messages of forgiveness and the acceptance of self identity by accepting the past and moving forward, which was the most difficult part of her journey.
In the years of 1861-1865, …show more content…

Once she is settle in the house she starts to notice that the African American community are standoffish towards her. She builds a life based off of solitary and soon after she is in a stable home. Her mother-in-law dies shortly after that and her sons leave her home due to the presence of an unexpected ghost that goes by the name of Beloved. The ghost drove almost all the people out of the house she was in besides Paul.D. He tried to do everything in his power to get the ghost out of the house and when he did; little did he know a woman would show up at his door. She gave herself the name Beloved and she was a spitting image of Sethe's dead daughter. They thought it was a reincarnation of her and was here to haunt Sethe. She came into their lives and their full attention was on her; especially Sethe’s attention. Whatever Beloved would say or tell her to do Sethe would do as she is told, but little did Sethe know she was under Beloved controlled. Throughout the time Beloved spent there at the house with Paul.D and Sethe; Sethe became mentally weaker. Beloved drew Sethe into an unhealthy relationship which drove her to be more and more possessive and obsessive person. The weaker Sethe became the stronger Beloved became ,and it wasn't muscle strength it more of mental and being able to break down person's mentality and have them think that they are not worth the

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