
Sex After Menopause And Its Effects On Young Adults And Men

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The ten commercial I viewed ranged in advertisements. They targeted older people, young adults and men. Several of the consumers geared their products for anti-aging products. There were several that were geared toward anti-aging; these commercials where Osphena, Ensure, K Y ultra-gel, Viagra for women, and proactive. There were two that were geared toward men; Viagra, and old spice hair product for men. Tommiecopper was another commercial. It was geared to those who are physically active and may need a knee support due to pain. Lastly, there were two commercials that geared to men and women who are older. These commercial were on funeral advertising and mortgage reversals.
Ospemifene is an oral medication indicated for the treatment of dyspareunia. This is encountered by some women, more often in those who are post-menopausal. It is supposed to help with sex after menopause. Ensure was expressing the many ways it can help with Nutrition, Lifestyle change, and Fitness. It promotes positive, healthy choices in older women so that it can help you improve your health and maybe even discover your best self. KY ultra-gel is for dryness for women. Vaginal dryness occurs most often during perimenopause and menopause. Your body produces reduced amounts of estrogen during menopause, which accounts for the majority of vaginal dryness encountered by women. Viagra for women is for post-menopausal or post-hysterectomy women who complain of female sexual arousal disorder. The women in

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