
Sexism In School Dress Codes

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Sexism in School Dress Codes In freshman year I remember walking down the hallway and seeing a girl wearing shorts and a t-shirt. The shorts were blue and adequately covered her body while the t-shirt was a white v-neck that exposed some of her chest. She was sent home because of how much of a “distraction” she would cause for the guys in her classes. I remember thinking that it was completely unfair: She was losing her opportunity to learn because her outfit was considered “distracting.” This type of situation happens a lot. Girls are denied access to education because their clothes don’t meet the dress code standards. Dress codes in the schools are sexist towards females and should be changed. Women don’t wear the clothes they do to distract or please men. Women wear the clothes they do because that’s how they want to dress and what they want to wear. Appropriate clothing shall be that which does not pose …show more content…

Some say men distract men when they don't dress according to the dress code. However, women aren’t the only thing that men should be focusing on in the world. If they have work to do, boys should be able to be mature enough and pay attention. Some might also claim that the dress code is enforced equally for both genders. How many stories do you hear in the news about male students getting sent home for dress codes? I walk around my school everyday and see sagging pants and inappropriate choices of clothing on a large amount of males, but I have yet to witness one of those males being sent home for their clothing choices. Lastly, people may try to argue that dress codes protect women from harm. Statistics say different. 58% of 7-12th grade female students experience sexual harassment every school year (Gordon Claire). Perhaps it’s the culture of disrespect for women’s bodies that causes this harassment, not girls “asking for it” by wearing certain

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