
Sexual Identity : Sexuality And Homosexuality

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With this understanding of the importance sexual identity holds for many people, it should be evident why Christians have had so much difficulty in discussing homosexuality and the Bible with those who identify as LGB. Some Christians may come to this understanding and determine that reaching LGB people with the gospel, converting them to Christianity and the historic Christian position on sexuality, is impossible and shouldn’t be attempted. After all, they might argue, if a person has “come out” it is most likely they have already accepted a LGB identity. The LGB identity, then, will color the way they view Christianity, leading them to either reject it entirely, or accept its gay-affirming persuasion.
It is undoubtedly true that someone who has adopted a LGB identity will have additional obstacles to overcome, but it definitely isn’t impossible. In fact, having a sufficient understanding of how sexual identity works in LGB individuals will make the conversation easier.
Others may think that we should just let Scripture speak for itself. Christians have offered the explanation that God doesn’t condemn LGB sexual orientation but same-sex acts and that should be enough. We don’t need to get sidetracked with complex discussions on sexual identity. This is also false. Since those with a LGB orientation don’t distinguish between same-sex attraction and acts, but consider them an interwoven part of their identity, conversations distinguishing the two will not have much impact.

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