Men and women all go through sexual response cycles. The response cycle occurs in both sexes in four phases. They are excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. The first phase, excitement can come from different things such as kissing, sexual thoughts, erotic videos or pictures, all of which can lead to arousal. During this phase, the body is preparing for intercourse. For both men and women, excitement causes similar changes to their bodies such as nipples and earlobes swelling. Muscle tension, heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow increases. With these changes, it can lead to heavier breathing as well as a change in color to skin, commonly referred to as being “flushed”. While both men and women experience increased blood flow, the increase in blood flow causes different things between each sex. Men will experience an erection in the penis whereas women will experience swelling in the clitoris and labia. Also, women’s breasts can swell but men will not experience the same swelling. The next phase, plateau, is before the orgasm. It causes our bodies to react in different ways, much of which is a continuation of the excitement phase, such as …show more content…
This phase doesn’t last very long. When men reach orgasm, they ejaculate, or release sperm. Normally this is a continuation of sexual pleasure and only lasts for a few seconds. For women, the orgasm and vary from woman to woman. Their bodies react by an increase in lubrication, tightening of the vaginal walls, and overall pleasure. Orgasms that women experience are typically longer than what male’s experience and doesn’t always include female ejaculation. Both men and women experience muscle contractions during the orgasm phase but in different parts of their body. They also hit the highest point of blood flow and breathing rate. After the orgasm is over for both men and women, their genitals begin to return to its’ original state, which brings us into the next
50.) Male orgasm and ejaculation are not one and the same process, although in most men the two occur simultaneously. Orgasm refers specifically to the pleasurable, rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region and the release of sexual tension. Ejaculation refers to the release of semen that usually accompanies orgasm. Orgasm without ejaculation is not uncommon in boys before puberty. It can also occur is the prostate is diseased or as a side effect of some medications.
This is Damian form your Monday's & Wednesday's 12:30 pm class , it came to my attention that there seemed to be some problems relating to the test we just took on chapter 2 of the Human Sexuality class. Personally, im under the impression that i took the new exam although it had no timer applied to it and some of the question's apparent responses seem a little contradictional. On this questions for example # 1; "Which of the following statements regarding the desire phase of sexual response is true?" , #2; In which of the following areas would Masters and Johnson's research on sexual response be least helpful?, #3; Which of the following most accurately describes the plateau phase?, the book clearly states that this is
Muscle tension increase, heart rate quickens, nipples harden, erection of mans penis, lubrication of vagina
Kaplan’s excitement and orgasm phases are similar to Masters and Johnson’s phases of excitement and orgasm. Masters and Johnson’s model begins with excitement, which is the initial sexual arousal phase. Changes that occur during this phase is erection of the penis, lubrication of the vagina, muscle tension, and an increase of heart rate and blood pressure. (Cosgrove & Ronk, 2014). These changes occur in both models.
Women’s’ heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate all continue to normal following an orgasm in both men and women. Both male and female may become relaxed and have a feeling of satisfaction. A major difference in men from women in this phase is that men enter a refractory period or a time when they are not responsive to further sexual stimulation. During this period the male cannot experience another orgasm or ejaculate. The amount of time that the refractory period lasts depends greatly on the age of the male. In young males the period may last only a few minutes, in males that are 50 or older the period may last from a few minutes to an entire day. Women do not experience this refractory period and can become quickly aroused again to the point of having repeated or multiple orgasms if they so desire and if they continue to receive sexual stimulation.
Focusing on just natural clarifications of human conduct, the Biological Theory trusts that physiological variables tremendously affect sexual conduct. Scholars regularly take a gander at anomalous hormonal and androgenic levels in the body and cerebrum to depict freak sexual practices as in rising hormones are identified with physical changes that advance sexual excitement, climax, discharge, and other sexual movement. "In spite of the fact that a survey of natural studies indicates clashing results about the relationship between
The sexual response cycle is a term referencing the changes that occur within the body as it is becoming aroused (Nevid & Rathus, 2010). This cycle, the sexual response cycle, consists of four phases. Phase one is excitement. Phase two is plateau. Phase three is orgasm. Phase four is resolution. Even though the changes that occur in men’s and women’s bodies differ in each phase, they do have some things in common. So that we may learn and better understand what makes us different and the same, we must first learn the components that make up the sexual response cycle. There are two components and they are vasocongestion and myotonia (Nevid & Rathus,
Davis suggests that Erotic reality begins less abruptly than it ends. This is at least the case for men, since females are believed to have a more gradual post sexual denouement following orgasm. The sociologist believes that the sensual slide into the erotic differs between the sexes due to the presence and degree of Erotic Inertia.
There are several myths about the female and male sexual anatomy, physiology and sexual response. I will discuss woman’s menstrual cycle, women breast and male genitals. You can determine when a women menstruating by her bad attitude. I have always felt this was a myth, simply because there could be other reasons for having a bad attitude. However the truth to this myth is that women can experience emotional, mental, and physical change approximately 7-14 days prior to their menstruation. The female body can adjust itself to have the same or close to the same cycle of the women they live with. Yaber (2013) states, “Women who live and work together often develop similarly timed menstrual cycles called menstrual synchrony (p.102). Breast-The
The role of the orgasm in heterosexual relationships is significant in having a satisfying malefemale relationship according to society’s expectations. By using the malefemale binary, as well as exploring the social construction of sex, we can see just how significant the role the orgasm plays in heterosexual relationships. First off, we must understand that orgasms are achieved differently for both males and females.
Latency, the fourth stage of psychosexual development, begins around age six and ends around age eleven. The traumas that occur in the phallic stage cause the sexual urges to be suppressed and channeled into focusing on education and play. The fifth and final stage of psychosexual development is known as the genital phase that starts around age twelve and continues on. During the final stage puberty causes the sexual urges to return and adolescents must learn to how to conduct them in an acceptable manner. If a
The age-old question of what women want in the bedroom (or outside of it) is one that still manages to baffle the world’s scientists, psychologists, sexologists and any other ist you can think of who have popped their name on a study relating to the female orgasm. Being such an outrageously popular field of study for men and women around the globe naturally the results have become wide and varied.
The subject of orgasm is sometimes met with shyness. Some people don't like talking about, but there are some who are open to the discussion. No matter your feeling about it, I can almost guarantee that you were unaware of these following facts about orgasm. If you knew them, then get yourself a cookie.
Before women can transfer their leading zone from the clitoris to the external genitalia an interval must occur during which the young woman is anaesthetic, that is unresponsive sexually. This period occurs at the very time that the pubertal male libido is growing and seeking a sexual object. The pubertal repression of females acts as a kind of stimulus to the libido of men and causes an increase in its activity. The repression of pubertal girls leads the male libido to a sexual overvaluation of its chosen object, which is unobtainable. When a woman has successfully transferred the erotogenic zone from the clitoris to the vaginal orifice, it implies that she has adopted a new leading zone for the purposes of her later sexual activity. This is in contrast to the male erotogenic zone, which remains unchanged from childhood. Freud notes that it is precisely this
1.The Masters and Johnson model of sexual response has four different phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution