
Shakespeare Sonnet Analysis

Good Essays

Chapter 3 - Nice to Eat You: Acts of Vampires
Vampirism isn’t exclusively about vampires; it’s about selfishness and exploitation as well. (16)
While writers typically use ghosts, vampires, and werewolves as a cheap thrill, they could symbolize many aspects of reality. (17)
It can show how someone grows in strength by weakening someone else. (22)
Use other people to get what one desires. (22)
Place one’s desires above someone else’s needs. (22)
The story of a vampire usually follows a cycle: a corrupt, old fashioned figure strips a young, virginal female of her youth and virtue which strengthens the life force of the old male, thus causing the decay of the woman. (19)
Chapter 4 - If It’s Square, It’s a Sonnet (**online chapter, so no page numbers**)
A sonnet can charm readers by its form, such as imagery, language, style, and wordplay.
A sonnet must be closely related but requires a certain shift taking place as well.
Most sonnets have two parts: one of 8 lines and the other has 6.
Petrarchan sonnet intertwines two rhyme schemes: the octave and the sestet.
Shakespearean sonnet divides the 14 total lines by 3 groups of 4 (the quatrains), and the last 2 being a couplet.
The basic pattern for a sonnet is 8/6.
Poems require lines and stanzas, so it explains why a poem is structured in lines, but written in sentences.
Form (aka: shape) might have its own significance; some authors prefer sonnets over poems that requires everything to be perfect.
Chapter 5 - When in Doubt, It’s

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