
Shaking Baby Syndrome Research Paper

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Statistics show that over half of infant deaths related to child abuse is caused by abusive head trauma or shaken baby syndrome. The effects of shaking a baby are serious and may lead to the death of an infant, studies show that an estimated amount of children who suffer from this is about 1,000 - 3,000 infants and toddlers. Every day one in four victims of SBS die from this abuse and 80% of the survivors suffer from permanent damages. Shaken baby syndrome or SBS has been around for hundreds of years, it happens when someone shakes an infant out of anger or frustration, this normally happens when the infant won’t stop crying. Infants have small brains and very weak neck muscles so when you shake a baby, you are making the brain bounce back and forth, hitting the interior of the skull causing either bruising, bleeding, swelling or all of the above to the brain. During the shaking, they may also suffer from damages to their eyes, spine, and neck from the vigorous shaking. Infants are usually shaken by either their parents or a caregiver such as other family members, or a daycare center. When they shake the baby, they are doing it out of anger, frustration, or stress because they can’t calm the crying baby. It may …show more content…

There are many fathers who are in prison for shaking their baby, and their child either has severe damages or has passed away from the shaking. There are some solutions to help either calm the baby or yourself down. These tips are provided by the show The Doctors and they’re called the four S's. “Swaddle the baby to make them feel like they are in the womb, make a Shhh noise because it sounds like the heartbeat of the mother in the womb, Swing them it helps calm them down, and the last one is sucking, either buy a pacifier, bottle or breastfeeding, it will help calm them

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