
Essay about Shaping My Morality

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G .K. Chesterton quoted, “I say that a man must be certain of his morality for the simple reason that he has to suffer for it,” and although I do not completely understood my own morality, I know I did not create it alone. For example, my parents illustrated the importance of kindness and finding my own personal beliefs about God. Additionally, my friends have taught me to not take small problems too seriously. Moreover, attending private school has caused me to trust in the safety of the world around me. As a teenager, my outward influences have greatly affected my morality and views about the world around me.
Throughout my life my parents have taught and guided me, and, like a sponge, I have absorbed their ideas and morals. For …show more content…

Having political discussions with my father helped me form my political beliefs because he forced me to contemplate major issues and what makes a candidate a moral person. Furthermore, my parents have encouraged me to develop my own views about God and what morals He wants his people to follow, which has caused me to further contemplate my own morals. Because of my parents open mindedness concerning religion, I have come to the conclusion that I can find God’s values and mission through individual prayer. My friends, like my parents, have altered my morals and the way I look at life. For example, when I missed a major Irish dance competition due to an enlarged spleen, my friends all signed a heart-shaped pillow with kind notes about why they liked me. Their generosity taught me that showing my affection towards others could turn a tough situation around for the better. In addition, at the tender age of six, my best friend Leah passed away unexpectedly from Leukemia. This experience taught me to never take a day for granted because I learned how fast life can be taken away. Furthermore, whenever upcoming tests or projects at school overwhelm me my friends at dance will make fun of me until I realize the insignificance of all my anxiety. With my friends’ help, I have been reminded that I should never take life too seriously.
Attending private school since the age of five, my environment at school

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