
Sherlock Holmes Greed

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Greed is an idea displayed in movies set across of time periods, the past, present or future and shows one’s greed for a certain something, so in Sherlock Holmes directed by Guy Ritchie protagonist Sherlock Holmes is in a constant pursuit of knowledge, Gattaca directed by Andrew Niccol protagonist Vincent Freeman wants to be an astronaut but due to his "invalid" DNA he can't, his greed and lust push's him to the extremes using someone else's DNA to pass through tests and achieve his goal. Hunger games written by Suzanne Collins shows greed by the Capitol by taking resources from the districts and is selfish never sharing its accumulated resources and doesn't care about anything or anyone outside the Capitol unless they are causing a rebellion …show more content…

In Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock displays his greed of knowledge during the start of the movie where he says to Watson that "I'm in the process of developing a device that suppresses the sound of a gunshot." Later on during the scene we see Gladston the dog lying on the ground without a pulse and we hear Mrs Hudson say "Oh look he's killed the dog...again." And then we hear Watson say "What have you done to Gladston now!?" Proceed by Sherlock defending himself saying "I was simply testing a new anaesthetic. He doesn't mind." Showing us that he doesn't care about the harm or pain inflicted on others whilst he peruses his greed for knowledge which fueled by the idea of science powering the greed of one’s …show more content…

The show their greed by taking a large portion out of the districts and giving nothing back to them but only the bare minimum for their survival so they can continue to produce resources for the Capitol and supply them. They use a type of social science as well as other sciences to make the games occur, they use the social science to display fear control the people into the Hunger Games to fuel their greed of entertainment. They don't care about who gets hurt in the process so long as it's not

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