
Shitty First Drafts Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Has the thought of revising your own paper makes you mad? Does the thought of it make your heart have a mini heart attack? What if I tell you that you’re not alone, would you believe me? In “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird it goes greatly into detail about how we all struggle with looking at our very own rough drafts. And I know numerous people, who feel the same way. One person, I know quite well is myself, almost all of my career as a writer I’ve cringed, during and while revising my first draft for any paper. I spent countless hours revising and rewriting my own papers and just ended up hating them even more than ever before. But after reading “Shitty First Drafts” I’ve learned to love and appreciate the beauty in my very own shitty drafts. I’ve come down to the conclusion that we need to come accept the intimacy that we have with our so-called “Shitty First Drafts.” …show more content…

This is how they end. up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts” and after taken that into consideration I realized that I can’t be too hard on myself when writing and it doesn’t come out the way it should. What many people don’t realize is that all great authors don’t produce magnificent pieces of work in just one seating. No, but instead it takes countless hours of sleepless, exhausted nights of rewriting and revising to produce pieces of work that can change the world. Such as Stephen King, he has a hate-love relationship with the whole revisions stage quote that fits in perfectly with the whole process of revisions stage “To write is human, to edit is divine.” That quote opened a door for me, and the door was to not perceive authors as superhumans who can write a book/short story within an hour. But to recognize that they are humans too that need to revise just similar to

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