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Volume : 4 | Issue : 2 | Feb 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

An Economic analysis of Trends in Agriculture Growth and Production in India

Ramachandra Murthy K
Research Scholar DOS in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, Mysore

Anand C
Research Scholar, DOS in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, Mysore

Manjuprasad C
Research Scholar, DOS in Economics and Cooperation, University of Mysore, Mysore

ABSTRACT The present paper examines the performance of Trends of Agriculture growth and production in India. And also The paper has shown the growth and production has significantly increased from during the last three decades and also highlight the performance of the Indian …show more content…

Rapid adoption of new technologies and improved rural infrastructure induced productivity growth. The government spending on productivity-enhancing investments (especially agricultural research and extension), rural infrastructure (especially roads and education), and rural development targeted directly to the rural poor, all contribute to the growth in agricultural productivity. Avila and Evenson (2004) have utilized FAO published data on cropland, pastureland, labour used in agriculture, fertilizer, seeds, tractors and combine harvesters and animal stocks for measuring the changes in TFP for crop production, livestock production and aggregate agricultural production for two periods, 1961-1980 and 1981-2001. Owing to the limitation of data on factor shares, the TFP growth rates seem to be on a higher side. Modern varieties of the Green Revolution increase in the education level of labour force, and increases in dietary energy have been reported as sources of TFP growth in the paper. Modern varieties contributed maximum (64%) to TFP growth, followed by Schooling (22 %) and nutrition (14 %). Birthal et al. (1999) have analyzed the trend in TFP for the livestock sector in India. The livestock output grew at the rate of 2.6 per cent per year over the period 1950-51 to 1995-96. The input index increased by 1.8 per cent per year and the TFP grew at about 0.8 per cent, implying that technical change contributed about 30 per cent to the overall growth over the past 45

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