
Shop N Save : Market Share Of Different Super Market

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Shop N Save has a strong Board of Directors, who directly maintains the whole atmosphere. Price is monitored every single day for customer 's better satisfaction. So people can buy top to bottom of their necessary product from here. So people can get a full satisfaction shopping from our shop "Shop N Save"

3.4 Market Share of Different Super Market

Since the inception of Agora’s journey in 2001, the Bangladeshi supermarket sector has taken a steady and assuring stride forward. After 12 years and with 107 stores, the domestic industry now stands at around BDT 1,500 crore. As Bangladesh shifts towards the middle income status, all the subsequent advantages, such as higher income per capita and urbanization will further expedite the …show more content…

This change in socio-economic structure has given rise to a new breed of middle-class who are willing to spend their higher disposable income in supermarkets rather than wet markets in pursuit of convenience and social status.
• Change in Taste and Fashion: Globalization through internet penetration, international trade, and myriad of international television channels have exposed consumers to new ideas. Shopping from supermarkets, long considered a Western concept, is slowly being accepted by mainstream consumers in Bangladesh.
• Consumer Awareness: Due to widespread media coverage over usage of formalin and chemical contaminated consumable products; consumers are more aware of possible health repercussions of consuming these products. Moreover, since supermarkets promise unadulterated produce, many conscious customers are slowly turning away from the traditional wet markets.

3.6 Industry analysis
3.6.1 Porter’s Five Forces Model
From the model it is conclusive that stiff competition exists among the major firms which are backed by the rich capital of their respective parent companies. Such superfluity acts as a barrier to entry for new firms. Recently, several e-commerce platforms have stepped up to offer essential commodities with zero cost home delivery facilities. In the long run, as they gain traction, strong competitors might arise from them.
The present scenario is such that a customer might visit the store at the month’s

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