
Short Essay : A Short Story

Decent Essays

I was tired of my parents telling me what to do. I couldn’t live like that. Not anymore. As I sat on my bed, I heard a knock on the door. My parents came in, and they told me to get in bed. It was the last time I was being ordered around. They tucked me in. “Good night,” they said, kissing my forehead. They turned the lights off and left my room. “Goodbye, parents,” I muttered. I sat eagerly waiting for my parents to go to sleep. When I felt they had fallen asleep, I got out of bed, put my clothes on, quickly packed my bags, and food, and left the house. I ran to a nearby mountain, and got settled. I started getting teary-eyed and cried. But I was doing the right thing, I was sure of it. Next morning… I woke up. The sun was rising and the birds were chirping. I suddenly realized that I had slept on the dirt. Back at the House… “Natalie! Wake up! Get ready! And come downstairs please!”, Mrs. Hoffman waited for a response. “Natalie!” She called again. Mrs. Hoffman went upstairs into Natalie’s room. She opened her curtains and pulled the covers off her bed. “Natalie?” She got a little worried. “Carl! Get up here! Natalie’s missing!” Carl was an easy-going man, someone who appreciated peace and quiet. He came upstairs slowly and calmly into Natalie’s room. Now, for the first time, he freaked out. They both looked all over the house, called all her friends, and went to the police station. Back at the Mountain… I had gathered up some wood for a campfire. I was

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